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garland smitherbottoms

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garland smitherbottoms last won the day on November 10 2021

garland smitherbottoms had the most liked content!

About garland smitherbottoms

  • Birthday 04/18/2006

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    planet earth :)
  • SongID
    fave song? gotta be "rihanna"

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. rememmber to stay positive in this time of great hardship. we must pickup for each other and be hospitable to thy neigbors even of you dont have a reletaion ship with them. its good to checkup on someone you havent spoken to in a while please do so. you never know what someone is going through

  2. ****atetenion to white men** please dont project urslef and compleatly irrelevent opinions onto POC's (People(s) of color) thinking u can understand how they have to live in a contstant state of fear from the police and shit. its not a turn on for the ladies. ALL TOXIC WHITE MEN WILL BE IGNORED ALL 2021 sis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they dont need your input on issues!!! just SIT ON THE sideline and watch black women and men show how they get down """"PLEASE SHARE ANY EXPIREICENS that you beleive are relevant to the topic!**** ive seen countless time on the forums these people projecting themselsves ontop of thing they arent eudcated about tbh thought i should speak on IT.. stay respecful to one a nother. i want a healthy coversation about the topic. not jsut name CALLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. yeah buddy ima have to give you a pepepagea on this one*inserts PEPEGEA*. kamale harris is the first black vice of the united states. yuo like many other HATE HER because of her skin color. u cant handle a black women being in a positin of POWER!! constant toxic white males projectiing their BELEAFS on US!!!!!!!!!! you probably r a organe man TRUMP MAGA rigth????? black women ROCK stopp HATING!!!
  4. @Lebron James hello and happy birthday mister james!!! ur one of my idols and i admire youre work ethics. im aware of how vocal you r abuot issues in black community and i support black lives matter!!!!!!!

  5. @Mr GOAT although i am new i recognice your a retire staff memeber so i respect that! ITS ALSO ur birthday which is stupendou!!!!! MY LIFE DAY WAS YESTERDAY any how. im wishing you good health and good state of mind. stay safe love one another!

  6. think of ways u could help sikh people feel at ease in these troubling time 🧠


    please keep them in ur prayers

  7. pray for the sikhs that were killed in the shooting in today sikh communitys need your support

  8. @Rix01welcome to the fourms im new aswel

  9. its my day of life!!!! please wish my a happy day!😙

    please do up vote to show you care ☺️

  10. i tried to ask obout the server and they killed me. i had the medicale doctor revive me and they kill shotted me again NO RP ENGAGEMENT
  11. yeah this silla gangs have shot me with no rp. i also think we should have staff ingame to ban the rule breaking
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