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Mark Brittlestone

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Everything posted by Mark Brittlestone

  1. First time back on forums in couple months and i really forgot how toxic this shit was
  2. Who says this isn't a roleplay server
  3. Vehicle Airdrop gonna be such a clusterfuck but i am 100% here for it
  4. He was making joke saying you were using it like AFK money farm like you said cause you have like 70 mil.
  5. Bruv what FPS are you playing on god damn.
  6. Couldn't agree more. Big cuck vibes.
  7. Fuckin told you cunts wayyy back in the day and nobody belived me. Look at us now, Pygros casino.
  8. 9 Pages of comments leggooooo definatily gonna win this with my fuckin casino luck.
  9. Sounds like someone can't hit his shots
  10. Me n remorse tried okay
  11. I want to gamble god dammit and i'm not going into the Silla infested town of Kavala in order to waste my hard earned money. We need more Casinos in other large towns like Pygros.
  12. That's why you've taken your bank account off ur Forum account you broke bitch.
  13. Why your bank only 5 digits my man. @ Remorse Constatnly abiding by this fallacy without a doubt.
  14. Get on that Rick and Morty cringe wave man
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