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Bill With 2 L's

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Everything posted by Bill With 2 L's

  1. selling the same but cheaper
  2. if i win i will buy a titan and rdm titan apd ghosthawk in name of allah let me win
  3. u tell me how much do you want to get rid of them
  4. Tasers: RPK12 - 1.75m AK12 - 1.5m LIM - 1.2m MK1 - 1.1m Promet - 600k CMR - 400k MX - 375k Spar - 375k Sting - 200k .45 taser - 100k P07 - 100k Vermin - offer Lethals: Mar10 - 2.5m RPG - 1.1m Clothing: Pcov - 300k Granite b - 200k Corporal Beret - offer Deputy vest - offer Suppressors: 5.56 - 400k 7.62 - 3.5m Misc: Stones - offer Spikestrips - offer DMS Scope - offer any player you want, delivered to your home - offer Houses: DP25 3C - 10m on realtor Kalithea 4C fully upgraded - offer Aigos garage - offer Vehicles: AT Offroad - offer can do bulk deals also buying warpoints will deliver for higher price
  5. also have a fully upgraded shikra (without storage upgrade) - offer
  6. where am i traveling to? detroit? UPDATE TO STOCK 3/8/22: Tasers: Sting - 200k Vermin - offer MX - 400k Spar-16 - 375k Promet - 600k CMR - 400k MK1 - 1.1m AK12 1.5m .45 taser - 100k RPK12 - 1.75m lim - 1.2m Lethals: Warpoints Clothing: Corporal Beret - offer Suppressors: 7.62 - 3.5m Misc: Stones - offer Spikestrips - offer Houses: DP 25 3c - listed for 10mil Aigos garage - offer Vehicles: Armed Huron - offer AT Offroad - offer 50cal Prowler - offer
  7. will be updating thread tomorrow with what is left will also be adding a few more tasers and suppressors
  8. just sold for 7.5 UPDATE TO STOCK: Tasers: Sting Vermin MX MXM Spar-16 Spar-16s Promet CMR MK1 AK12 Lethals: Zafir Warpoints Clothing: Granite B Deputy vest + uniform Corporal Beret Suppressors: 7.62 Misc: Stones Spikestrips DMS Scope Houses: DP 25 3c Aigos garage Vehicles: Armed Huron AT Offroad 50cal Prowler will edit things out once they are sold
  9. messaging u that math hurts my brain messaging u
  10. will update with prices after work, but for now list offers
  11. Selling all of the following Tasers: Sting Vermin MX MXM Spar-16 Spar-16s Promet CMR MK1 AK12 Lethals: Mar10 Zafir Titan + Rockets RPG + Rockets Warpoints Clothing: Pcovs Granite B Deputy vest + uniform T5 Vest (Black/Green) Corporal Beret Misc: Stones Spikestrips DMS Scope Suppressors: 9mm .45 5.56 5.8 6.5 7.62 Houses: DP 25 3c DP 3 4c + garage (fully upgraded) Aigos garage Vehicles: Armed Huron AT Offroad 50cal Prowler will edit things out once they are sold
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