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About Chaplain

  • Birthday March 6

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Prison should just be made offlimits to processing civs entirely, ontop of this situation which is blatant exploitation and should be handled accordingly, but the Prison also has AA cover that cops can fly freely thru but civs cannot. Its become a precedent that when apd is getting hounded especially by air vehicles to run and hide in the Prison.
  2. Real concern is that it bothers your insecurities enough to post bout old news like this.
  3. nah im an equal opportunity bomber, kinks, sex, religion, skin color dont matter, ima blow you up one way or another.
  4. better stop worryin bout them furries and more bout the lottos you bout to start losin enmasse.
  5. I will support this, if and Only if Sov is taken out with the Furries. I mean if were gonna just randomly start "saving" the community by eliminating the minorities, lets do it right.
  6. Lookie lookie whos got a cookie, mako be showin that pre val day love with a giveaway hug.
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