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Everything posted by Conqueeftador

  1. That. Isnt. Our. Problem. Tho.
  2. Dont request if youre gonna instantly request denial. Problem solved
  3. You say that but have 32 hours on medic so I know for a fact you have 0 clue what youre talking about. 99% of the time we are either going to another revive, held up by someone, or have some form of logical reasoning as to why it is taking time to get to you/we cant instantly deny someone. I swear- Its people like you who think when you die, youre the only one dead and we are supposed to bow down to you and flock to you so you can get revived in .2 seconds. Chill tf out bro. You shouldnt have died in the first place. Trash or something?
  4. Bro we have an entire system in place for it. We literally have mussels/planes/whatever else we need meet the warhead in atmosphere to shoot it before it hits the ground. It’ll do a lot less damage than if it were to actually impact the ground
  5. That is a stupid argument because russia has put their nuclear weapons on alert already. They armed their program. Right we have a huge air defense system that is supposed to disrupt nukes before they even hit the ground.
  6. I just wish staff did more events as it is besides escorts, demo derbys, etc. Or switch it up and do heli demo derbys lol Idk we just need some spice.
  7. Lol more than half of your gang is from JD. That should say something
  8. tell that to your goblins who sit outside prison just to engage us when we get out to be petty
  9. if i say no are you gonna think that we are out to get you like everyone else in oly.. or......
  10. Unintentional rule breaking is still rule breaking It was unfortunate and he didn't see the dispute. It is what it is at this point. He will probably just have to eat the ban. He is clearly in the wrong (intentional or not) and its hard to make the argument that he was shooting at the cop and accidentally killed the guy in restraints. The cop is seen leaving the line of sight. What was no name shooting at besides enemy gang? Thats how you have to look at it Intentional or not, it still happened
  11. Instructions unclear: Accidentally became owner of oly @ Ryan hand it over
  12. Rename hot zone event to "conquest" because thats basically what it is. -1
  13. sounds like he’s just poopoo
  14. LMAOOO I dont think he cares. He will go above and beyond to make people feel bad for him. Why do you think he has his own forum tag..
  15. Mods cant spawn money. Also- you're the most annoying person on this server and this thread is a joke Literally will cry at everything Post clips. Lets see the abuse.
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