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Ricky Falzo

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Everything posted by Ricky Falzo

  1. Do you still have them CTRG plate carriers fs? their a lv 4 chest right , if u do how much

  2. The garage is currently for sale, but the house is still owned, i keep checking, i wanna get out of meth country ffs
  3. Best game iv every played, ill never forget the highs and the lows
  4. Everytime i get banned by Rafa i go to his profile and hear juice wrld burn and then i know im in shit lol good song makes me think

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lea


      Hi @ Bubbaloo Burrito  I hope you are well! 


      @ Ricky Falzo That's so rude! How dare he?! @ Rafa Why you gotta be so rude? 😭🤣

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    4. Rafa


      I am dah law


  5. I would give the love of my life for this location, my left nut. every last penny iv made on this server just for this house. i check it on the realtor everytime and its never for sale. I WANT IT FOR THE WONDERFUL BEACHFRONT and the garage is just a plus. anybody willin to sell
  6. Pick me pick me pretty please, Iv lilterally got a 1000hours on this server within 4 to 6 months, i lost track its so sad i live off a mill today because most of my profits go to my shopping habbit or into my gang. I was weekly mvp for the whole month alsoMVP for the month. and i live a sad life like legit why i play this game all the time, if u can just help a homie out with anything. or put my prize under donations because i much rather see this game life and build on it self , then some free shit know what I mean..... Ricky Falzo Love you all
  7. Hi just losing my marbles in teamspeak

  8. PS tell Nicole I take back all the things iv said about her in the past when she was a cop, she was quite reasonable

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Why don’t you tell her yourself? 🙂 

    2. Ricky Falzo

      Ricky Falzo

      Can't Lea has my heart she'll get jealous

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