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Retired Coordinator
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Everything posted by Mercury

  1. yes pliz
  2. jokes dude
  3. ah go for it, theyre shit unfortunately, but hey, congrats on Paramedic!
  4. Well...hop to it squire
  5. The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde route helps as well, also schizophrenia or a multi-personality disorder. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mental_disorders For the future if you need it.
  6. Medic: RP as a First Responder who's seen too much and openly weeps when someone is dead (also have a wife and several children) Civ: Either Drunk, crazy homeless man(can not do anymore because I had Korean Police called on me), or a hardcore masochist (made better when I make choking sounds/begging APD to degrade me) Sometimes you have to create your own fun. Needless to say, I play way more as R&R, mostly for the server's benefit.
  7. I love Fat bottomed girls myself, they make the rockin world go round ....
  8. #gunsformedics2016

  9. the servers are down, long live the servers!
  10. I have a 25% off coupon for Chili's
  11. Think of it like the Great Depression. The Altis stock market crashes, banks foreclose, inflation skyrockets, mass unemployment, anarchy in the streets. In comes APD to implement pretty much Martial Law, and the State appropriates all of the land, and citizens assets to pay the debt. If I were the admins I'd tell everyone "hey, remember your massive (or small) empire built upon sin and crushing those smaller than you under your bootheel? guess what, all gone. The Government of Altis thanks you for your property and assets, of which now have been acquired by the state. You may reacquire your aforementioned by simply buying it back from the state before someone else buys it"
  12. you had a reputation lost? also I second Lost's stance, you, Wheatkings, should comp lost his 5-15 mil no question! In lost's defense it was fantastic episode of the real house wives and just because he was watching it is no reason to ban him. ......Ball's in your court Wheat....
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