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Jazzy last won the day on January 4 2023

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About Jazzy

  • Birthday 02/02/2000

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  1. The fact that some 88 dog can sit at a jail and plant a bomb just to grief so we cant do fed after bolt cut needs to be fixed please and thank you 🙏 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jazzy


      it wouldn't even have to be a 30 min cooldown, 10 mins would be enough just so you have time to plant the bomb before someone starts another event. just frustrating people can toll like that we waited 30 mins for a 5th cop to log on and a bomb gets planted at jail by trolls just doing it so we cant do a fed and then we have to wait another 30 mins. just shouldn't be a thing people can do, i'm pretty sure the bomb plant on jail is instant that might be something to look into changing that could help a bit I'm not really sure a 100% fix would have to think about it for a bit but i'm sure something can be done to prevent that 

    3. Millennium


      I don't disagree it is annoying as fuck and shouldn't be a thing, however coming up with a way to prevent it is kinda tough, even if the time was lowered to like 10 minutes I could still see it being an issue. Idk may just need some more thinking into it.

      Atleast you actually came up with an idea though, half the time people say something is broken or they have an issue with it and don't provide any suggestions/ideas to fix it.

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Or you just tell them to stop and make it a 1d ban for "fed disruption"

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