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Bobby El Churro

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Everything posted by Bobby El Churro

  1. Even those who are banned for more than 14 days can make a comeback within 2-3 days, I think this is because Arma 3 does not have as many players as before, these shitty players are needed for the server to survive.
  2. All the players I reported on this server come back after 10 minutes report system is shit I don't give a fuck about people who use cheats
  3. hey franx, my offer, 1 tactical bacon 1 water 1 redbull
  4. Görsel

    meet with kavala's rat


    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ Kregii When you're not using esp, your teammates

    2. Kregii


      man i am not hakr man i tell you man i no hack

  5. nemesis supported by admin. - BABA EL CHAVO. Still, senior admins seem impartial
  6. i dont need rodop garage
  7. idiot theyre not turk nemesis is admin gang
  8. @ Milo
  9. jpostman is real bitch
  10. @ Wiggle albanian brother
  11. (devreler)
  12. can i have admin friend? hollyfuck, BUSTED
  13. @ xsmitherz unbanned frankcastle or be shoot

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Revenge


      @ buckie   We can go there, no problem. But we didn't come from there, ignorant man. You are truly a Great Ignorant.

    3. buckie


      @ Revenge  you mongols came from the arabia peninsula and have been a stain on the middle east since 

    4. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ xsmitherz okay u unbanned. engage down u r safe now

  14. lazy the simpsons GIF

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      bro i dont understand your aim

    3. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      1 day you play amazing you kill so weird,

      1 day you play patato aim

    4. Syphilis


      Called being human my guy ❤️ its ok baba, someday you give me lessons

  15. I forgot there was such a admin lol i remember now
  16. There is an admin in the enemy gang.
  17. admins revive their close friends if there is no one in the area. im sure only on this server, milo, kermit, grandmagary, david miller These guys are reliable. The rest are in a grouping
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