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Bobby El Churro

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Everything posted by Bobby El Churro

  1. I don't blame the administrators anymore, Arma 3 is dying
  2. Even those who are banned for more than 14 days can make a comeback within 2-3 days, I think this is because Arma 3 does not have as many players as before, these shitty players are needed for the server to survive.
  3. All the players I reported on this server come back after 10 minutes report system is shit I don't give a fuck about people who use cheats
  4. hey franx, my offer, 1 tactical bacon 1 water 1 redbull
  5. Görsel

    meet with kavala's rat


    1. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ Kregii When you're not using esp, your teammates

    2. Kregii


      man i am not hakr man i tell you man i no hack

  6. nemesis supported by admin. - BABA EL CHAVO. Still, senior admins seem impartial
  7. i dont need rodop garage
  8. idiot theyre not turk nemesis is admin gang
  9. @ Milo
  10. jpostman is real bitch
  11. @ Wiggle albanian brother
  12. (devreler)
  13. can i have admin friend? hollyfuck, BUSTED
  14. @ xsmitherz unbanned frankcastle or be shoot

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Revenge


      @ buckie   We can go there, no problem. But we didn't come from there, ignorant man. You are truly a Great Ignorant.

    3. buckie


      @ Revenge  you mongols came from the arabia peninsula and have been a stain on the middle east since 

    4. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      @ xsmitherz okay u unbanned. engage down u r safe now

  15. lazy the simpsons GIF

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      bro i dont understand your aim

    3. Bobby El Churro

      Bobby El Churro

      1 day you play amazing you kill so weird,

      1 day you play patato aim

    4. Syphilis


      Called being human my guy ❤️ its ok baba, someday you give me lessons

  16. I forgot there was such a admin lol i remember now
  17. There is an admin in the enemy gang.
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