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Everything posted by N9ne

  1. That's a risk you have to take landing at Jail. I was an innocent civilian gunned down by APD AA
  2. @ ZimZim is my least favorite brother
  3. What a weird coincidence @ Brandyn - Can I get my 500k back?
  4. Ladies and gentleman... our prayers have been answered! @ Doc - thank you kind sir!
  5. Still mad
  6. My taser is coming out when you pull out the Mar10..... @ ZimZim
  7. There were 6-7 people in the channel from TP (all were related to the situation cause you blatantly abused the GHawk and gunned them down), 1 Support member, 3 jrAPD, and 1 Admin. Clearly there was Support/Staff presence to give everyone the respect on explaining their side, and instead of joining and discussing like your fellow jrAPD members, you sat in your channel as you felt above the rules and situation. Well done, solid srAPD!
  8. From all of the players of Olympus, can we have the awful Halloween update removed. This update would have better been released on April 1st, thank you! (PS: Please add a new Quilin to my garage )
  9. Kinda crazy how a Senior APD member can't join a Support Channel to resolve and discuss a situation, so it has to result in an IA.
  10. and that is the problem
  11. Hi Fefe!
  12. I agree. I will take my Olympus+ for free now
  13. N9ne

    Sell me shit

    admin abuse
  14. Happy B-Day to the worst Dev on the server ❤️ @ Milo

  15. Congrats @ ladymedusa ! Now you can hide in the sRNR channels and never have to talk to us plebs again

    1. ladymedusa


      ohhh no, i’ll still be bothering you guys HAHA. “ Get in my heli N9ne “ 

    2. ladymedusa


      thank you though 

  16. This is the correct answer
  17. When is TDM fixed 😞 

    1. Ryan
    2. Milo


      I think it should be fixed next update but we shall see 🙂

  18. This deserves an unban
  19. This gave me a headache to read so I had to put it in chatgpt In the end, seems like you are a monkey
  20. N9ne


    Alright guys, let it out.... who is the dumb one that got wiped
  21. N9ne


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