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R&R Medic
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Status Updates posted by dannyfrog87

  1. I have made my return to altis and the APD to destroy all with my sting. jokes aside. does anyone know if tilda actually works any more? or if it changed or anything seems it does not for me. same with switching to my po7 anyone any ideas for a fix?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dannyfrog87


      ok thanks i figured. i guess the tanoa update broke it or something?

    3. Dustin87


      It was kinda removed.

    4. dannyfrog87


      oh well thats new @Dustin87 im not sure why i cant switch to my po7 not that it matters might try make a new profile in arma see if it fixes it. if not well sting all the way better off using that anyway

  2. was a good fight with civs than the usual processing when patrolling it was fun :)B)

    1. Thomas


      Did you guys get tony and ghostface after I left

    2. dannyfrog87


      nah i was tired i got off not long after was fun though 

  3. shout out to the apd members who dont reply to you when on medic when you need a guy pulling out of his vehicle to revive him. and this is why us as medics need the ability to do that knock people out of vehicles i was waiting for a good 20 minutes almost with no response and the guy had to respawn. i guess no bounty isnt a priority to take time out of your day takes 10 seconds to reply to a message from me if that. so gg again apd.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Dustin87


      I would right a witty response but its hard to read what you write without punctuation.

    3. dannyfrog87


      well you must be lacking a witty response then. if you was so smart dustin punctuation or not you would be able to interpret or understand what i said. just quit while your ahead or at least an attempt to be ahead dustin ....

    4. QKSILVR73


      I just drive around with my vehicle unlocked now. 

  4. Was a fun fight from outside of the frog factory tempest device rescued and then the hq takeover win and success. also i know alot of people are like oh Dannys a pussy Dannys a retard Dannys a this or that the other. well i enjoy the moment and if i am right i am how and who i am dont like it well im my own person i can be an intense person especially if i get in the moment its just my personality. Dannys a British fuck. I have heard it all before. and i am sure the rest of you are so perfect are you? before you call or insult others you might want to look in the mirror everyone has something that irritates people im a human not a robot. that all being said good fight guys at the HQ and win for the apd. as for the people saying im dumb. because I am sure you are all rocket scientists. now i know i talk alot or maybe to much. that being said i enjoy my time on olympus even with the shit talkers or people who dont really know me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      I don't think anyone should be called dumb.


      That being said, I've only had a problem with your amount of complaining...you remind me of my dad. Everyone has a right to complain. If you stay under the Navy Seal rule of a max of five minutes complaining, you'll be right as rain in no time. :)



    3. dannyfrog87


      lol goonie. well i dont care anyway what they say. the people talking shit have nothing better to do i suppose. and this was from the apd last night in thomases twitch stream i went back watched the takeover video and saw all the twitch comments. i wasnt even complaining but i dont care about their opinion. im sure they are not any better. and i can get irritated all depends i suppose .... half of the time its just me talking. but then they dont know me so i dont give a fuck

    4. ComradeGoonie


      Bloody good, you'll show em!


  5. one thing i noticed a great feature on here the ignore feature equals cant see anything from someone who is full of toxicity they try get a rise out of you. all the best people on olympus see you in a month or 2

  6. morning world of olympus!:bender-dance::ph34r:

    1. Big B

      Big B

      Morning Danny


  7. shot my first hummingbird down on cop was fun and satisfying popped the engine then boom shot it to shit over the sea then down it went plummeted boom pilot dead. thanks to the other officers on the other bench also left bench op but other times im biased when shooting from the left lol

  8. you make one mistake or a few everyones all over it like flies on shit. but when you do things right or no errors no one notices. because im sure your all perfect and dont make errors in the things you do ....

    1. QKSILVR73


      LOL it happens. Look at what Mr Corey did to Thomas in the trucks LMAO

  9. passed my heavy responder flight test was fun would never of been able to land without auto hover and not crash so shout to isaac newton for being patient as i practice saw alot of mad action at the air field so thanks again for teaching me the ropes!!

    1. Big B

      Big B

      what is this auto hover you speak of?

    2. dannyfrog87


      lol idk you tell me ;) considering i didnt use it 

  10. that point where you literally have had enough and just think why bother carrying on? nothing will change. is it worth it? probably not some aspects but the cons outweigh the pros when your enjoyment is killed constantly. rp in alot of cases went out the window ive realised

  11. awesome server 2 went down and now is bugged at 46 players out of 80

  12. quick question how often to keep your position in the apd or R and R how often or how many hours do you have to play? im not going any where just being playing a few other games of late for a change of pace. il still be playing obviously

    1. Jorbis


      As long as you're still putting a decent amount of time in you'll have no issue. You can also submit an absence request stating that your playtime will be reduced for a bit.


    2. dannyfrog87


      ok thanks sounds good to me

  13. time to play abit of arkham knight it was cheap but my word the tweaks i had to do to gain better fps. talk about a badly optimised game and i hate the motion blur but seems like a not so bad game so far ....

  14. first ifrit ever seized not bad. saved a guys truck boxer and a guys hemmit from being chopped. died alot end result still enjoyed it lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dannyfrog87


      thanks bubbaloo i enjoyed it could of been more tactical on saving the hemmit we saw but if he had got the taru on the ground no doubt he would of chopped both so we waited for him to get lower as we was just patrolling near airfield chop shop dropped the hemmit we swooped in lights and sirens couldnt save the taru but not bad over all saving the guys hemmit lol

    3. Big B

      Big B

      APD was on fire last night! My hemtt still got chopped but I watched the takedown of all the MC at the terminal lol, 10/10 would pay insurance again to see it. Fan-fucking tastic job last night Danny lol

    4. dannyfrog87


      oh your hemmit got taken? damn so many peoples shit got robbed last night but it was fun shooting the shit out of that ifrit we came across mc many a time died quite alot to them in all honesty lol. till the point at the airfield. was a fun end result for me

  15. deputy days are over its po power now well maybe getting wrecked less than i usually would lol im glad now more fun or freedom to move about places

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      Congratulations :D i told you to be patient :) 

    2. dannyfrog87


      thanks and yep i know i guess my patience did pay off

  16. was fairly fun on cop without the usual who do you know who i am or rping it a different way and people being actually funny makes a change and patrolling also with some minor action i enjoyed it thanks to the people and cops for making it fun also a good laugh

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      That's great Danny. Glad you had a good time. Some players have good RP. Although a lot just love whine and cry when getting caught. So that is a breath of fresh air. 

    2. dannyfrog87


      yep one guy rped it as steven spielberg i was laughing in ts and people flocking to him for his fame so he said he used an alias lol was fairly funny

  17. how many people are getting the memory could not be referenced x0 whatever numbers and letters crashing arma 3 when connecting to the servers? another brilliant update by bohemia ... pricks. 

  18. good gaming mouse anyone suggestions? im in need of a replacement considering mines not designed for gaming lol. just a basic logitech wireless mouse years old

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. orcpoc


      Logitech g9x best mouse ever, sadly they go for like $200 + used now. I tried a corsair m65 didn't like it, razer deathadder isn't a bad choice

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I still use a Logitech G5. Yes... from 6 years ago. Still love it. Still sells for $45 + on eBay USED. 

    4. dannyfrog87


      i only picked that one because it looked tougher than mine not how nice it looked the fact that eventually a plastic mouse the bottom starts to wear away and become slippy with less grip. i read a ton of reviews on it seems to be a good mouse. but of course it had bad reviews not that many just some like most things do. hopefully its not crap time will tell thanks everyone

  19. wtf is going on with the server right now? ddos or what?! my word .....

  20. great had to reinstall windows 7 wouldnt load properly so gotta redownload steam and teamspeak and install arma 3 at least still got a working pc i suppose lol

    1. Froger


      You have so many computer problems :P

    2. dannyfrog87


      well hope ive fixed it this time im just going to put money into a new rig the main thing is its working lol for now but yep i do unfortunately but its life shit happens

  21. i enjoyed that fed and saved a hunter not bad no rage either from me lol. not a bad end result

  22. why can people when your on cop and being processed not be like im getting this on my go pro how do you know my name after i was revived near the same guy killing me near the medic parking spot people sure as hell know how to kill the rp aspect of things or just like to troll especially when someone told you there he is and you explain they throw the whole "go pro" thing at you facepalm. on a positive note afternoon people hows it going?!

    1. FluffyTEDDY


      Some people will allways belive that they are in the right even when they are wrong, and try to scare you with the whole GOPRO thing, other people will just say it for shit and giggles cause they know it's not gonna stick ..

    2. dannyfrog87


      oh i told him that doesnt work with me and i carried on processing him one i was revived and 2 someone told me there he was the guy who killed me so a change of clothes stood for nothing. i told him i have a fed to respond to and basically he isnt getting off with it. some people just think you are stupid i suppose lol and try skirt things in any possibly way they can. i dont mind being lenient with people. if they was less of an asshole it wouldnt be an issue. but sometimes i just think they dont deserve any leeway or leniency so give them the smackdown of the law

    3. FluffyTEDDY


      hehehe :P I allways stand fast when i am 100 % sure that i am right, i don't scare easy 

  23. ah bohemia why in every update do you break something the memory could not be referenced at blah blah such and such an error code resulting in arma crashing occasionally 

  24. my word almost 9 hours on cop im so tired i dont even know lol was good though missed playing good to be back even with all the dying lol

  25. my word its good to be back and finally a working pc again

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