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Mr Kevin

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Everything posted by Mr Kevin

  1. Finally got a new computer :) Upgraded from a dogshit AMD computer that would give me 30 frames at the most to a nice 1.2-1.3k comp.

  2. Buffalo dip ingredients: 1. Money 2. Car/Transportation 3. Nearby store My buffalo dip instructions: 1. Go to store 2. Buy fake ass buffalo dip 3. Prepare 4. Eat and puke
  3. Imma miss you :_(
  4. When is this being released?
  5. Gottem
  6. I wish I knew how to Bhop
  7. You tend to learn to get used to it. Most people are just angry at the moment it happens and 60% of the time don't actually report.
  8. Dat copy paste
  9. Let's keep it nice for at least one topic. Comon now.
  10. For civs
  11. This is a good idea and I like it this way but I find it quite annoying that medics are able to go in whenever they want and it feels like a never-ending fight. If they made some type of changes to the ability to enter these areas for medics then I feel this could benefit to the development of the server and it would help to avoid the hiding of rebels in these areas.
  12. Mr Kevin

    Hi :)

    Or you could perhaps give them some money from your millions to get them started.
  13. Mr Kevin

    Hi :)

    Hey an welcome to our community! :D
  14. Listen. You gotta get that fatty word count to 1-1.2k to make a change alright fam. Talk to me about formatting and writing descriptive and professional posts.
  15. Top kek. I will never look at Huskers the same again.
  16. Why you wear fake Js? Why you got 2 horses on your Polo? Why the fuck you wearing Fruit of the Loom socks? Why the fuck you wearing Old Navy?
  17. Event?
  18. No shoutout to the ol' Mr Kevin who always annoyed the shit outta him. FeelsBadMan
  19. Seems good fam. Can't wait. ETA?
  20. You're at 26% G. Better charge up.
  21. Wtf.....
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