Hi there, I am here to offer a custom Discord bot for Olympus' gangs!
This is a bot which uses Olympus' api to provide live, in-game data straight to your discord server.
General Commands:
- ?players – Lists the number of players currently on Olympus.
- ?info <steam64> – Retrieves stats for a specific player on Olympus (Must be in your gang).
- ?cartels – Displays the LIVE cartel status with percentage breakdowns.
- ?points – Part of a fund tracking system for money owed within the gang.
- ?top – Displays the leaderboard for funds owed.
- ?logs <page> – View the shed logs per "page" in the raw JSON format. Pages start at 0.
- ?shed – View the LIVE contents of the gang shed.
- ?gang - View the LIVE gang information including funds & members.
Rank 4 Only Commands:
- ?points add/remove <@user> <amount> – Add or remove gang funds to/from a user.
- ?points reset <@user> – Reset the gang funds of a user.
- ?ticket add <user ID / @user> – Add a user to a ticket.
- ?ticket close – Close an open support ticket.
For more commands related to fun, moderation, and other bot functionalities, please visit: https://commands.bot - Olympus instances will have all "Standard" features and below.
The bot comes with an intuative custom web-based dashboard to manage core bot functionalities, staff access and more.
Custom commands based on the Olympus API can also be easily and quickly added.
Examples include things such as "?meth" to list all the current meth ingredients your gang shed has.
** It's to note that I would need your gang API token and Shed ID provided, this will be stored securely and only you will have access to the data within the selected Discord server **
For pricing or more information, please feel free to message me on Discord; @Batch
Pricing to be roughly 10 Million in-game per month, this can change depending on gang-size.
If anyone has any feedback, please let me know in the comments below or via message! Thank you!
Example of custom commands;
I have received permission from @ Zahzi to post this as well as take in-game currency for this bot.