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About KudosTV

  • Birthday 08/01/1999

Profile Information

  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
    Neri Bandits
  • Gender
  • Location
    West Virgina
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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. We need to spread love and help each other better ourselves and one day we can all get along with each other
  2. offer away;
  3. well that's understandable, what if we had more moderators, that have a simple goal find cheaters and report them to admins, like when there is gun fight in warzone the mods will go spectate players and so on. I would be personally down for this on my off time to just spectate certain players
  4. Would there be anyway for actual killcam in arma 3
  5. KudosTV

    Dp22 3c

    that could be a good heroin cause and moonshine or bank, and making 500k off of it aint worth it, 2.5 is lowest ill go
  6. KudosTV

    Dp22 3c

    2.5 and you have a deal
  7. KudosTV

    Dp22 3c

    highest bidder gets it, not upgraded https://gyazo.com/4ca4694f8e419569a1728c1672203a2b
  8. KudosTV

    Abdera 2c

    Its not upgraded ill take 1.5 to 2mil or highest bidder
  9. Wtf dented mean you whore but hey love you
  10. KudosTV

    Kavala 3c

    no wayyyyy lmaooo but like bet if so
  11. KudosTV

    Kavala 3c

    no its a 3
  12. KudosTV

    Kavala 3c

    TOO low for me to sale that house
  13. KudosTV

    Kavala 3c

    https://gyazo.com/929e02fc264834c69a462092a90a18e3 Best offer gets it
  14. WOW I NEVER THOUGHT TO do that tbhhh, one sec let me go look ... Omggggg I'm invisible
  15. Have you looked in the mirror lately lmaooo
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