Best Shot: 3 Rip
Best Driver:3 Rip
Best Heli Pilot:3 Rip
Best Officer:3 Rip
Best R&R:3 Rip
Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): 3 Rip
Best RP'r: 3 Rip
Most Tactical:3 Rip
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:3 Rip
Most Reliable:3 Rip
Most Dedicated Player:3 Rip
And finally...
Most Valuable Player: 3 Rip
#Free Rip
Best Shot: Rusty
Best Driver:Rusty
Best Heli Pilot:Rusty
Best Officer:Rusty
Best R&R:Rusty
Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):Rusty
Best RP'r: Rusty
Most Tactical:Rusty
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:Rusty
Most Reliable:Rusty
Most Dedicated Player:Rusty
And finally...
Most Valuable Player: Rusty
#Free Rusty
but all good jokes have some truth to them