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Everything posted by Snare

  1. Speaking freely http://olympus-entertainment.com/profile/7258-rusty/ 

    I went through this and didn't see anything really toxic.

    That's All Thanks.

  2. Snare


    nobody cares i certaintly dont litrally proud of your reports bud... so sad. not even going to get banned for it cause i never rdm. edit: i watched your retarded little video you were asking to get killed now reporting me for it sounds like baiting a ban to me buddy now get your retarded self off of the forums for all of our sakes. sorry administration didnt mean to go off http://plays.tv/video/57a61768db714d04b6/banning-me-for-spam-would-just-be-stupid-didnt-bother-anybody-with-spam-so-dont-see-anything-wrong-with?from=user theres the video^^^
  3. Snare


    Yea please ban him from forums people like cake and linka are ban from forums and this kids not??? i'm not being toxic here he literally spams the forums i'm trying to go the forums to look at some actual content and his garbage is everywhere.
  4. @marsoc why necro this. the thread was made when the server was at a serious lowpoint there was about 50 or less people playing on the server at peak times i used to think it was great with only around 4 or 5 people on in the mornings i made 10mil in a 2 day period but then i realized that there was no point in playing the server at that point because nobody was playing i was working for nothing. At this point in time the server is allot different yes it is harder to make money but its more worth it. as the server is actually relevant and full every afternoon to the point that you have to spam to get in it. basically this post is fundamentally irrelevant. yes olympus still has some bugs and issues but its not back like it was then.
  5. oo I'm on the kills but not the deaths feels good man XD
  6. Snare

    I'm Out

    ;(;( <3<3 later buddi idk you but later buddi thanks for you deveness
  7. yeah man i make that much money everyday what are you talking about???
  8. http://www.strawpoll.me/10589793/r saw this straw-poll wondered what the community thinks... #free?
  9. Snare

    Oh no

    Get Ready for the mass rdmer influx
  10. i hope they update it force it on everybodey then it breaks the revive system on olympus so everyone can revive! FREE DEFIBS!!!!!!
  11. Snare

    Later Boys

    loveya chaos btw where are you going?
  12. oh no we have freaks who paste rules when people are just trying to introduce themselves now. haha jk love you guys welcome to the server mate.
  13. Best Shot: 3 Rip Best Driver:3 Rip Best Heli Pilot:3 Rip Best Officer:3 Rip Best R&R:3 Rip Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): 3 Rip Best RP'r: 3 Rip Most Tactical:3 Rip Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:3 Rip Most Reliable:3 Rip Most Dedicated Player:3 Rip And finally... Most Valuable Player: 3 Rip #Free Rip and Best Shot: Rusty Best Driver:Rusty Best Heli Pilot:Rusty Best Officer:Rusty Best R&R:Rusty Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):Rusty Best RP'r: Rusty Most Tactical:Rusty Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with:Rusty Most Reliable:Rusty Most Dedicated Player:Rusty And finally... Most Valuable Player: Rusty #Free Rusty but all good jokes have some truth to them #necro
  14. is this running at 2fps or what?
  15. bud you can shoot a ghosthawk down in 5 seconds i do it all the time mobundo know's (hehe) get better at the game and buy 50 cals. Deuces.
  16. Snare

    Bye Guys :)

    Gone but not forgotten. Will be missed. maybe I'll see you around tho man if you ever want to talk. LoveyaHam No Homo.
  17. I hate rain it lags my game, blinds me at night, and just looks plain retarded so POLL
  18. haven't upgraded yet planning to soon but i'm getting enough fps to record at 50fps after tweaking some settings that I never noticed were messed up.
  19. So im starting to get better fps on arma for once which means i can record so everyone get ready for Snared 1. coming towards the end of April. don't have that much time on my hands right now so i cant bang it out boys sorry.
  20. I feel we need some sort of a defib as medics are difficult to work with sometimes. there are if the this could be balanced by making the defib have a long cool-down or be very expensive. eh just my thoughts.
  21. Snare


    Hey everyone. its [YA]Xavier. I first played on Olympus about a year ago but I think now I'm beginning to become a little bit more part of the community so I just figured I go onto the forums to say hello to everyone! have a great life in altis everybody and watch as i climb to the top of the wealth leaderboard.
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