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About Theak

  • Birthday 01/31/1989

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  1. LOL ill answer a few questions about me.

    am i illierate... absolutly i messspell stuff all the time. is my grammer godly absolutly

    i use speak to text when driving, i deliver stuff for a living, and i really dont go back to look at it to fix it.. its broken english but im not hen peckin the screen just to misspell stuff anyway.

    my points come across and thats all that matters

    do i accually help people, all the time.  while i do give out money here and there i think that is like feeding the hungry person instaid of teaching them how to fish. id rather gear up someone and show them how to do it themselves ... so thats what i do.

    do i gather items and let new people get a good cut. yes   if i have extra of something ill give them a load or 2 and then have them start compensating me after they have made a good chunk themselves.

    do i teach how to rock glitch and all that hell no. 

    if you need help will i help you. send me a pm but dont try to lie. i can easily check you uid and your history so... ill know immidiatly if your just trolling.

    do i play other mods. yes i play king of the hill alot, the code4gaming servers are great and not in a lawsuit like the hostle takover servers taht just lost the rights to the new koth stuff.

    Direct Threat has a few servers going like custom liberation and atnitifa servers the lib one has rhs but its not manditory so you can still join vinilla. they are wanting to expand and try other game mods out as a group.

    i do stop into nak's invade and annex, i tried out the bro unit i&a but they took stuff away because they coulndt handle trolls ... i dont think that server is up anymore... thats what happens when you blame the gun not the person ;)

    im a support person that loves to fly the helis around. im an ok shot.

    i havent given the taxi system a go but thats kinda a silly mecanic... i mean its great if you need a handycap of not being able to get robed like the medics. but i dont fully know all the rules with them... so eh.. i might give that a go just to be able to say i did..... does anyone know if you can slingload as a taxi driver cause i could make that work


    other than that.. i am getting into wow a bit 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Orgondo


      Literally 100% with Bojo, fuck off. PS: You are all dogshit at WoW

    3. Theak


      buahaha you guys are awesome. what server

      im a warlock demonology blood elf .. for the hord!

      i cant remember the server my buddies had me join, ill look later.

      i just hit the leagon content

      and to be far i say allittle bit and we have already another computer runing wow at all times now too and we have 2 accounts now.

    4. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      I been grinding rep since bfa came out amd already got voldun moumt 

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