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Everything posted by Theak

  1. 29
  2. you missed my point. If your just sitting 'spawn camping' in a town to kill unarmed noobs , iswhat i ment by why life. Organizing a terror, killing a gang member that your at war with, i get. being at war has nothing to do with liking being killed or now. abusing the war system sitting in a town hoping to farm some unarmed enemy gang is sad is what im getting at. this system was heavily exploited when vigis actually got some intensives and by vigis i mean trolls at this point. Seems like even that got molested and prostituted out as a cover to run around with a tazer to just rob and toll.
  3. you mean like a terror or like spawn campers? big difference If your at war... sure... if your calling a terror sure... if your to afraid or unable and hide in a town with full gear chasing noobs around ... why life? xd Cut it off
  4. Going to give my opinion here because i believe this is something to this. ( Here me out!) Shark according to rule yada yad a kya you broke nlr ( new life rule) by entering an area that you legitimately lost life in.( not got arma'ed * what a game*) - so to start off AS IS. yes you broke the rule. = ban ( you and everyone else need to read the rules. that is still something people forget to do... IGNORANCE IS NOT AN OPTION) xd HOWERRRRRR! NLR was created to prevent revenge spawn killing/robbing/etc... from scat players whom get butt hurt, and nlr is needed in a rp mannor (lite rp). The Olympus rules are there for a reason and are ever evolving. I believe this one needs to be looked at aswell. Getting banned is (or should be) a resolve if you breaking a rule and cause hardship to another player.( and are otherwise unable to compensate for your actions- not official but its been this way since the sun first peeked.) "Breaking" ""lite RP server rule"" NLR to immaterially leave the area should not of been a ban. You caused no harm to no one around you. There should have been some thought behind this ban and you should have maybe been talked to about it in support to make sure you understand you broke the rule. yes you broke the rules but people are breaking rules to rotch fed events, cartels, etc... all the time that need to be dealt with .. ghosting is at a all time high right next to lag switching. Now someone trying to get away from some kids and them use the rules as a bully tactic. ( i mean really?! reporting someone for NLR that effected no one? is your aim or something that bad that, that's how you get to 'win'???? way to represent your gang #cringe #rat infestation) That behavior is what needs corrected and punished, in my opinion. 'ima use the rules to troll you' ... wtf! its painful to read this petty little b.s. and know this is a great place pledged with unsupervised 10yr munkeys glued to their mt.due and chicken fingers. Using the rules to make new players feel unwanted and bullied should be taken very seriously, as it teaches the new players that attitude is acceptable. thus learning and leaving a very bad salty after taste that can't help but evolve into how they interact. Cancer spreads faster with fuel, put that fire out! So what if those trolls don't play here. this isn't some meme server.
  5. happy birthday

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      Thanks man! 

      Best Medic btw

    2. Theak


      Thanks, that really means something and i appreciate it.
      Maybe down the road ill return to active duty.
      Until then ill be flying in koth or thee occasional civ.
      kinda getting into wow a bit

  6. through the years the avg sale price was 5 mill. and i have been in the gang that owned it for awhile. some houses / garages are worth more because of their location or functionality. Sounds expensive but when you have a place to pull and store thats not kavala your already in the green. I have been renting for 500k a month. there are 5 people currently all using the place but that ended 14 days ago and i just having cleared house so to speak. and i just realized i have a 3 crater over there too some where... ima logon on civ real fast
  7. i want a few mill at least, if you want keys ill give you a deal. ive been doing that for awhile just selling access to it
  8. garage in abde possible for sale
  9. well, i missed my medic time due to the server cool down buahaha. went to help server 1 because there was only a basic, couldnt get in and now, o well rip medic tags. sorry but i will no longer be able to help.
    Might take this as a sign to walk away for awhile. and main koth or something like wow.
    it was fun. lots of random fun times. Good luck to all the other medics, and looks like ill be keeping you busy if i do stick around for civ,
    even though civ life has seen better days.

    1. Nurse Lou
    2. monster
    3. Theak


      Crazy how time flies.
      I also remember a time where there was a reminder. A, that was nice.
      A few more medics would still be around i bet.

  10. i mean i a medic, and i have the dlc but... https://youtu.be/xF19Q2WrJ2E
  11. Been looking through all this old footage...
    Should I rejoin the APD?

  12. lots of good times in mc man
  13. #MedicLivesMatter




  14. Whom ever gets my 1000 revive gets 1mil!

  15. Don't get greedy, turn it in or ask for comp, not both. And you should always engaged first, unless in a red zone. Then shoot out the tires. Someone was camping plat/coke/oil road sitting under the bridge just west of the processes by the bay. Shot my tires out as I drove past, I had no time to do anything, my window go shot out the same time he ran up to engage, then I go tazed pulled out and the one taped leathel. I think I recorded it but didn't turn it in yet. There is someone or a group abusing this. However sounds like you just had bad luck man. This is arma. Join a group team and team up. Or enter my mega lotto tonight, server 2.
  16. Let's say 10 people buy a lottery ticket at 50k a pop thats 500k, let's say 4 people pay my 50k ticket price, I get 400k. The winner now gets 500k and 500k worth of moneshine* Also to clerify, the moonshine was left over from a contract that they did not have time to finish selling, or didn't want to. I ran the idea of doing a huge lottery winner (250+ mushrooms) but he added I could do smaller ones and I added a few ideas to that. On the same note. Someone who didn't pay my ticket price could win and I would keep said 400k. And then maybe add that mooneshine to the next round till someone wins it all. Could take a day I could keep doing it for awhile. The cool thing would be if you spend 100k and won 2 mil what a return on your investment. No stings, this will be transparent as the lottery system picks the winner.
  17. So this idea hatched out of my rental property idea. I will be using the lottery to pick winners to recive bonus wining. The idea here is you have to buy at least one lottery ticket (no limit) and send me 50k aswell.(pricing subject to change) The winner of the lottery (pending funds to me) will win extra commodities like moonshine. Options: I could match the total lotto amount with the commodites. Ie. 1mil would = est. Value of the commodity. I could do smaller amounts but still make it to where you double your winnings. I could also do little lottos. The price for each type would vary. So you could spend 100k and wins a mil and get a mil in moonshine. I like the medum to smaller lotto rewards as more people could win extra. I will use any profits from the ticket price I receive to enhance and upgrade properties and asset I rent out. I have a new house I will be upgrading for rent shortly. Upon the lottery picking it's winner that person will get a private message from with a convent time and place that is safe and agreed upon by me. (Pending they paid my ticket fee) if they didn't pay the fee and won, we'll at least they won the lottery. I'm trying to enhance parts of the game that could really help new players stick around instead of getting bleed dry by campers. I would love to hear constructive ideas and feed back. This works because I'm trust worthy, and if you don't know me or dont trust me that's understandable just don't particibale. So far my house rentals idea is going great. Good luck! Mr. Theak
  18. Someone just had a great idea. I will split it up into multiple lottos, then I'll use the 50k a ticket I receive to upgrade the property.
  19. Server 2 abde pay phone 4 crater house might be available to buy. I sold it. It's the one east of the one at the atm 4 crater. Meth isn't worth it right now. And 3 (DIFFERENT) people said they got ghosted by someone server hoping in the moutain to get a better postion on them, sounds like an experience olympus player. Shame shame shame. I bet it's a troll, so sad when someone has nothing better to do than try to ruin a fun server. Also, some shady stuff when down and I realized noone but big gangs, apd (or civ apd affiliates) or campers with nothing to lose are doing meth. I have relocated to a better house for a more realistic location to make money. Once I upgrade the property it will be available for rent too. I'll be doing a giveaway if this other house isn't empty at the end of the extendeductible contract. The person doesn't want to sell the illigeal items because they think it's a waste of time. They still doubled their investment so they are happy with my idea. So prob later today or tomorrow here's my idea. I'll give a psa when I'll do the giveaway 250+ moonshine. I will use the lottery system and you will send me 50k aswell. So you can buy 100 lotto tickets for all I care but all you have to do is buy 1 and send me 50k. The winner of the lottery gets the moonshine. (100k investment could payout in the millions) I think it's fair, I get compensated for my time, the winner wins a ton because I have a feeling the lottery will get high too. (Winner will get a time and place to get their transportion ready.)
  20. Just sold a 4 crater abde house. On server 2. Might still be abailable. It's one street east of the atm house. It's on the corner with the payphone. I still have my garage there.
  21. If you are interested please have your uid , area of interest AND ready with payment. No I will not just give the locations out, so you can camp them. That's where the government has the opportunity to back this idea, give the trolls a few day ban for attempting to exploit a contracted house. I reserve the right to refuse service to people with troubled uid pasts.(or if I just dont like your attitude) No I will not give out uids even though they are public, that information is confidential between me and my clients.
  22. It looks more like a BDO thing than slow staff. I reread this, I like it your right. In staid of just taking keys I could have the apd raid my own house!? Lol how would that work, prob not to good for me but I bet the apd would get a nice chunk of change. "Sir, we are here with the owner, your getting evicted!" Not like they could lock the cops out with me there buahahha.
  23. Let's chill on this derogitive b.s. what are we 12, (and if you are 12, grow the fuck up, it's a game.)
  24. I'm glad you made an average of 3mil a day( dang taxes lol) House available! Also either the other house has another day or you left stuff. I'll be nice and wait. Otherwise I'll host a giveaway! Maybe I'll corddonate it with a lottery round at my discression. That way Noone can say I had any favortism, and if the lotto is broken or if there's some exploit I'm not responcible for thay, whoever wins it wins it. I would guess the lotto will get high if I'm giving away 150 Glass and 350 moonshine. I'll look at server pop times and prob do it when we are close to full (server 2, guess it doesn't have to be just server 2 that's just my home, I'll keep you posted) And I see your prob waiting to do an escort, hmm... interesting take your time (I'd highly reccomend you sell the moonshine first,) then I'd like to see it work out for everyone, no inquirys for that property at the moment so I'm not gonna rush you out :). Take the night to do what you need. Tomorrow if it's still full though someone will appriciate the boost. Yes you can deposit money to me if I'm on or not. Haven't tested this but I think it's an option at the atm. Drop box or something. If I see you paid for additional time it's yours to keep renting, I'll gladly extend the contract. No, there has been no staff interest at this time. I'm not going to lie to you.Not one responce, dang BDO taking all the important people's time. However for what I'm currently doing I don't need staff. You mess up I take the keys away full or not. (Not sure how getting raided would work unless I'm on when that said property would be getting raided, anyone want to enlighten me on that, how would that work? Charges? Or would they just take the illigal items)
  25. Alright guys. lets give him a break. Work out your math bud, and get back to us. i have faith, you get your math right and ill toss you 500k to play with in investments.
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