I'm glad you made an average of 3mil a day( dang taxes lol)
House available!
Also either the other house has another day or you left stuff. I'll be nice and wait.
Otherwise I'll host a giveaway! Maybe I'll corddonate it with a lottery round at my discression. That way Noone can say I had any favortism, and if the lotto is broken or if there's some exploit I'm not responcible for thay, whoever wins it wins it. I would guess the lotto will get high if I'm giving away 150 Glass and 350 moonshine. I'll look at server pop times and prob do it when we are close to full (server 2, guess it doesn't have to be just server 2 that's just my home, I'll keep you posted)
And I see your prob waiting to do an escort, hmm... interesting take your time (I'd highly reccomend you sell the moonshine first,) then I'd like to see it work out for everyone, no inquirys for that property at the moment so I'm not gonna rush you out :). Take the night to do what you need. Tomorrow if it's still full though someone will appriciate the boost.
Yes you can deposit money to me if I'm on or not. Haven't tested this but I think it's an option at the atm. Drop box or something. If I see you paid for additional time it's yours to keep renting, I'll gladly extend the contract.
No, there has been no staff interest at this time. I'm not going to lie to you.Not one responce, dang BDO taking all the important people's time.
However for what I'm currently doing I don't need staff. You mess up I take the keys away full or not.
(Not sure how getting raided would work unless I'm on when that said property would be getting raided, anyone want to enlighten me on that, how would that work? Charges? Or would they just take the illigal items)