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Everything posted by Theak

  1. In case you have been wondering where I have been the past 2 days, I am now a father. Baby jade haven has arrived. 

    I am also dealing with a flair up with my chrons disease where my right eye swells up.

    I might be on tonight or tomorrow.

    1. DeadPool


      Congrats and rip

    2. Dangus


      Shows you both sides of life, something good happens, then life fucks ya. Congratz on the kid!

    3. Panda :)
  2. Thank you, For what ever reason we all get tempered and that's cool. Just think about things before you post them. I look back on some of the recent stupid things i was complaining about or triggered over and i realized, why....??? I really enjoy playing video games i can get enveloped by whats going on, the warranted, and unwarranted, drama of in game shenanigans. Its great to complete a run or tag a bad guy, heck i even like taking the time and risk to help out someone with a flat. Because even road side assistance is a risk in Olympus. Don't like RP, go play COD or KOH. Be the toxic player were toxic players reside, not where people are actually tiring to play the game. Why try to ruin someones game experience just because your having a bad day/life? Try helping someone out, make a friend, team up, work together, and watch someone help you out when you need it. Act Toxic, get treated Toxic. Am I a god player, haha no I do ok as I go. Do i help and contribute in other ways...... can i get a hell ya' ? I was triggered by all the scat players running around robbing people to the point of making them not even want to play on this server. I complained about how its this reason, or that persons fault, well no, no its not. Its my fault for not joining APD sooner and assist the citizens in this endeavor sooner. I'm defenety not saying don't rob, just don't keep robbing the same people over and over. Let them build up a bit and make it worth robbing them. Rob Smart, Not Hard! Don't like something, Don't just complain and point out whats broken. Find a solution or alternative, Fix the problem or at least don't add to it. And with that I say hello fellow APD members, I will appreciate the help and guidance as I learn my way.
  3. No you go be toxic some where else bud. You came to me for attention, you have your own ability to post your own topics, go for it, be all the toxic. Let me be in peace, in peace. So far so good. Gotta love a good coffee with your donuts. I posted my id on the apd forum tags, im sure they are/were busy.
  4. Berg02 why all the hate. I see your name poop up here and there and its usually negative. Whats wrong bud, try to relax a bit.
  5. [APD] Mr. Theak reporting for duty. See you server side!
  6. Say Hello to a brand new APD member.
    See you on the streets ;)

    [APD] Mr. Theak reporting for duty.

  7. o no its been longer than that. its part dev, part game design. Add stuff that doesn't fully function, and you get broken areas else where. I know the hospitals are something they are clinging to like the new uniforms but they are the main issue. Sure lets look cool but can we play the game? I say take out the new stuff that has been verified by every other player as broken until a solution is resolved. Yes Olympus is mainly the server having issues. Do other servers have issues yes, but they don't keep broken mechanics in the game. Yes other servers have added hospitals and cool textures with no/to little bugs. I see Olympus for what is was and what it can be again. For now its a big orgy of scat players, robbing the life blood out of the server because they got kicked off asylum or somewhere else.
  8. I will gladly say that over the last couple of days i have seen the f6 texture bug work a few times, for a temporary fix, till you can restart your game. For the times it worked it did buy me about 30 mins at a time. Work in Progress, ill take it. I am curious why the 3 button method got taken out. it was a sure fix 100% of the time for me.
  9. nope full server crash. I was just asking if anyone else had the same issue and they did. i did not loose my chopper. If i wanted to make a ticket i woulda.
  10. So, im sure it was in the works before but, i kinda feel like when i posted this, it got taken away imidiatly. It was the only for sure fix i knew and now nothing but reseting the hole game fixes the texture bugs that it seems only olympous has. Now i can't feel like i can get into playing olympous because more than not, when something happens and i get textue buged im completly helpless. lets say the cops get involded and im flying and get texture buged and land, the cops or anyone have a 100% advantage. instaide of using 3 keys to easly fix the problem and continue on role playing i have to just give up and hope the game doesnt lock up and i have to defent a combat log..... nope thats not the olympous i know. The olympous i know now is full of little gangs that dont know the rules whom upon many accounts of failed rp, nlr, etc... they are still running around. How is this fun? No wonder you only see people robbing, its not worth the work to process and then get bugged. Olympous what happened. It seems like every since the fancy hospitals got put into play everything is going down hill. Servers fill up and thats great, cant run a 3rd server without more support but how can i support a broken server? I understand there are hackers and some one somewhere im sure figured out a way to cheat the system using this easy 3 sec fix. And thats fine to fix that, perma ban, but to then say we have a textubug autolog that helps.... no , no it doesnt. I really like this server but is has become completely unenjoyable. why start a run if you know your gonna get bugged. Why do a fed or bw if you know your getting bugged.. Idk what happen olympous, i know theres a lot of hard work that goes into this server and i have no quorral donating to a server that works. its arma so ya theres wiggle room for messups here and there but every time i get on it messes up, i can't enable a broken server. I wish one day to return to r&r and maybe be a cop, but i cant commit to anything with a busted server. I appreciate all the hard work but make sure the work your doing is something beneficial to the server not just one aspect. Thank you Olympus staff and players, i will still be playing but idk if it will be as much. I am thinking about do more videos to show each step Olympus has to offer but the only thing people will see is texture bugged events or mass edits of unusable footage.
  11. anyone else just loose a chopper bc of the server crash. I recorded what i could.
  12. I've tested this on 2 servers and it works for me. This is not a scam or some alt + f4 b.s. I like arma and i like Olympus so im sharing information that is beneficial to all. Simple: 3 buttons ctrl * - all at the same time. * and - on the number pad i use left ctrl, idk if that matters * (multipy) - (minus) then double tap alt to reset view. Share Share Share Comment Comment Comment Good Luck and let me know how it goes. P.S. the texturebug message did not help but thanks for trying guys. Mr. Theak over and out
  13. Sorry that's solid state hard drive (ssd), for you poor people. I'm not running 'merca computionic 101 here so google or use that bad ass translate provided above. I poured coffee on my harddrive basically. Click bait ass.... well I don't sell ass so !?!?dufeck?!? And idgf if ugf so gtfo if you h8n I'm posting to update the people I play with. Test run later Mr. Theak
  14. So.... (happy birthday moob) @Corporal_moob Upgrading my computer again, I guess?... lol Computer locked up on me. Odd proccessing but no responce with any USB inputs Hmm... maybe it over heated or somethings loose. Opens case and looks closer, wiggles mouse nothing. Go to get up and mouse cable pulls the coffee cup almost all into the OPEN computer case.... feck me. (Backs broke in 2 places still healing so it can be a pain to get up, mouse cable was loose and bad cable management on my part, bad theak bad!) Don't worry the ssd absorbed most of the coffee. Thirsty bastered she was. Gpu cpu and ram on motherboard all good! Apd will have to wait till after christmas. I applied and I failed. Easy questions too. lt just nerves and missed a few detailed areas when studying. Buddy has ssd harddrive and win10. Better than win 8.1 (that's the upgrade lol) Hopefully all the footage I took will be recoverable. If not I'm starting all over again. So be ready to be taken hostage to a far away place. Lol. Who knows maybe I'll be kidnapping people for a labor squad. (I'm always fair to my slave labor buahaha). Gotta get ready for the Christmas rush of noobs. Also buying all the dlcs here too. That's right screw you icon on the right and messing my gd screen up will I'm trying to crash land. Geeezzz. Thinking of doing a giveaway to some of my hostages. Might buy a few copies of apex, or better yet I'll buy an extra sniper dlc or chopper one to give away, maybe in game money too. Might mess with her tonight so maybe I'll be on. But for testing purposes only. See you guys around. Mr. Theak over and out
  15. Well friends, Take one is a fail. That is what should be expected your first time around. Very nice interviewing officer, i appreciate the time taken aside to do interviews. I also appreciate the testing process. Back to studying, missed a few things that as a new Constable will need to know. Who knows maybe i don't make the cut, maybe i continue to help like i have been, either way ill continue to play on this server. Any other APD applicants want to study send me a message. Off to drown my sorrows lol. Mr. Theak Over and Out
  16. ya, im accually going to study. in all honesty it is alittle scuueerrryyy lol. say what you want but if your going to take it seriously then you should study not try to wing it. your not going to learn everything overnight, but atleast get the basics down, ya your gonna learn as you go too. They wont give everyone one who whats to be a cop a badge. If you want to try it out... go play vig. If i am to deal with all you 16yr old teenieboppers complaining about how many marbels they lost i want to know the correct why to handle babysitting, while you through a tantrum ;> While i will help noobs and randos when i can i would like to be able to have them come to me and me accually be able to be of some assistance. Arma Karma is real, and this is a role play server. Want to just kill people, i recommend king of the hill. Want to have an awesome time and make some friends in a vw come here. Whiskey says hi! Mr. Theak Over and Out
  17. Meet Whiskey, she's our black little Weenie!

    Figured I'd update the Account 

  18. Will Mr. Theak Join the APD and become a peacekeeper? Find out right here, with updates. Wish me luck. Application accepted; studying alittle more; lets see if ill be roaming the streets of Altis at the ready to assist Civs. For some of you that were asking about R&R: Ill always be around to help and i decided; I've been a medic, and while i always lend a hand when i can APD is my next venture. Maybe ill sign up for R&R part time down the road. Regardless, you can find me flying around lending a hand were I can. Ready to make with the fun! Mr. Theak Over and Out
  19. i thought turtles was pointless. Did the spawn timer get fixed?
  20. Sorry for the abrupt cut off there, i tore my rig apart to upgrade it and well it took longer to do than i thought. Vehicle was an orcha i found. abandoned, at the airfield. my thoughts are either someone dsynced while parking it, died and alt f4 to save their load out, or they died of water and just logged out. After looking around i'm not the only one having issues like this. I hope someone isn't trying to exploit the game. I had 3 people in and out of the chopper no pull bodys available or anything...full keys truck and all, i think maybe the chopper was so awesome it wasnt having it. I did get to watch later that night someone fail to get my orcha chopped so they purposely, let anti air blow them up... i say let laughing ( i think they made 3 passes) cost me alittle in ins... knowing 2 people lost a load out and looked really stingy, worth it. There's good Olympus players and there are hobos, what can you do, its part of arma. Ya, I'm alittle salty about it but Arma Karma I will be benchmark testing and configuring my new set up tonight Maybe ill see you guys on, if you need a lift (and your not an ars hole) `Outlaw Transportation` should be up and running tonight. Also, thanks to everyone who replied. I appreciate the community effort, this is why i like Olympus and why i help people cheap or free of charge.
  21. watching someone try to seal my chopper knowing its bugged lolo
  22. no rebel chopper unlocked and i lockpicked it anyway
  23. it wont let me chop it ... hu thats wierd and thanks
  24. When trying to chop a vhopper A: what does clam do and B: do you have to have keys to chop. This free chopper that was just laying around really doesnt want to get chopped. Thanks
  25. Theak

    Taxi Lic.

    nice thanks, in about 10 minutes im going to look at that.
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