Thank you,
For what ever reason we all get tempered and that's cool.
Just think about things before you post them.
I look back on some of the recent stupid things i was complaining about or triggered over and i realized,
I really enjoy playing video games i can get enveloped by whats going on, the warranted, and unwarranted, drama of in game shenanigans.
Its great to complete a run or tag a bad guy, heck i even like taking the time and risk to help out someone with a flat. Because even road side assistance is a risk in Olympus.
Don't like RP, go play COD or KOH. Be the toxic player were toxic players reside, not where people are actually tiring to play the game.
Why try to ruin someones game experience just because your having a bad day/life?
Try helping someone out, make a friend, team up, work together, and watch someone help you out when you need it.
Act Toxic, get treated Toxic.
Am I a god player, haha no I do ok as I go. Do i help and contribute in other ways...... can i get a hell ya' ?
I was triggered by all the scat players running around robbing people to the point of making them not even want to play on this server. I complained about how its this reason, or that persons fault, well no, no its not. Its my fault for not joining APD sooner and assist the citizens in this endeavor sooner.
I'm defenety not saying don't rob, just don't keep robbing the same people over and over. Let them build up a bit and make it worth robbing them.
Rob Smart, Not Hard!
Don't like something,
Don't just complain and point out whats broken.
Find a solution or alternative,
Fix the problem or at least don't add to it.
And with that I say hello fellow APD members,
I will appreciate the help and guidance as I learn my way.