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Mister Miracle

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Everything posted by Mister Miracle

  1. Such a cool part of the world. I spent some time in Brunei and shit was absolutely wild
  2. Are you 20? Bragging about how much you drink screams underaged tbh
  3. If you're poor join the military for fastpass to the lower middle class
  4. Srapd getting all butthurt about people not making times yet the chief hasnt touched the game in 2 years. Lol lmao even
  5. For context my comment about being unbanned was in regards to the teamspeak incident not any other dastardly act.
  6. Is there a way to auto block everyone from calling me/ turn them off?
  7. This post probably just needs to be deleted. Literally no point for any sort of discussion on the subject on the forums. 1. Again literal nothing burger 2. Its not the communities business
  8. So why post this if its a literal nothing burger as of right now?
  9. Admins dont have the balls to fully wipe the server

    1. SPBojo


      Its really not about balls in any way shape or form, its the fact that with how old arma 3 is a server wipe would kill the server, the last wipe we had when arma 3 was a way more popular game even nearly killed the server.

    2. Mister Miracle

      Mister Miracle

      Mostly a shitpost. I do think it would be good and cool. but would %110 kill the server dead forever

  10. Oh fr, thanks Will shoot u a dm later thx
  11. Aint a rebel my boys. And too low tier of a vigi to buy em myself
  12. Any1 selling these bad boys in bulk?
  13. This is the truest post here. If this offended anyone reading, maybe take a nice long introspective look into yourself and your priorities and see where you are.
  14. I have nothing to add but I do enjoy seeing kavela retards getting buttmad
  15. Highly recommend a flight stick. I could reccomend you some real gucci ones but honestly for your purposes a cheap logitech one from amazon would do wonders and are super affordable. Makes learning to fly and land considerably easier.
  16. I may be totally schizo but i feel like i remember that thread. Probably a good decision to get rid of. The only irl picture ive considered posting are some from when i was tdy to the Samoas because it looks vaguely like the altis coast lol. You convinced me Sov. Heres a picture of me hanging out at a park in Brunei
  17. Stop posting pictures of yourselves to Arma forums
  18. I may just be retarded. But ive been back on the server for like 1.5 months and i still have no fuckin idea what conquest is. Please someone hold my hand for me.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Gary has a cuck chair he watches from as well

    3. CaloomClark


      He’s a bit sus…. For some reason he ALWAYS loses

    4. Mister Miracle

      Mister Miracle

      Ghosthawk icky cookie bruh i cant believe it.

  19. This is very obviously false
  20. Ok leave now pls schizo
  21. Actually can i get a pack of zyns too? Thanks. Btw the shitters busted better go clean that up
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