I don't know why everyone mentions being in a big gang is the easiest way to make money. I've made probably 95% of my money doing solo runs. If you are not half retarded you should be able to do runs without being messed with.
You can easily do an orca run of meth in 40 minutes that will get you 220k at least. Even doing off road runs of coke/frogs/mushroom will make you good money. I used to do this when I was poor and could easily make 500k in under 2 hrs.
Easiest way to fix this is when you get a text hands up or die, you wreck them and chop their heli. This will probably make them think twice about messing with you again.
I5 4690k
Gigabyte z97 motherboard(dunno exact model)
8gigs 1600 ram
600w corsair ps
Gtx 750ti
Misc cooler master CPU cooler
Came from a old amd phenom 840t with a 6670 gpu that got about 15 fps sitting still and 0 in a fight on lowest of low settings. Now on very high with 4k+ view distance I hover around 55-60.