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Everything posted by orcpoc

  1. I agree
  2. The last of the Mohicans
  3. k
  4. how much $$ do you have to spend?
  5. Scrub
  6. Keeping up with the kardashians
  7. won't matter where you live if that witch gets elected
  8. Yup
  9. Original Starcraft and rainbow 6 rouge spear I was a beast on dial up
  10. Why?
  11. this
  12. If an admin or developer could make a post saying "update on 6-8 12pm" instead of "be patient" posts like this wouldn't be made every day. Gets annoying when we can't get an eta.
  13. what are the rest of your pc specs? wouldn't make much sense to buy a $400 card and have a shit processor. i have a 750ti($130ish) runs arma just fine
  14. 24hrs to make that?
  15. jopple is a also a bitch
  16. who cares if its becoming a ban appeal.... i see no flaming or arguing going on
  17. order of request makes sense if they are all in different areas, but if you can get 2-3 in a few km radius it makes more sense to get them vs spawning across the map to grab 1 person.
  18. Two problems I see with medics 1 - some seem to think its a good idea to go in order of request instead of getting to people that are close together. Seen this plenty times medic will be 2-3km away and respawn to a different city. 2 - very few medics will actually listen when you tell/ask them not to revive someone so in the end you have to shoot them anyways.
  19. Wrong, as soon as you get up and they engage you blast them
  20. You probably own a powerstroke
  21. Dixie horn plz
  22. You are a hero, can you teach me some of your cool tricks?
  23. orcas can sling trucks and truck boxers, pretty sure only standard taru and huron can sling hemmit transport/zamak
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