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Everything posted by Aress

  1. Aress

    Quiz time

  2. Aress

    Quiz time

  3. Who ever answers the questions correctly wins 1m that will be added to their account. NO staff members allowed Question one. When was the first arma game released Question 2 Who was the first Head Admin Question 3 Where in real life is the island Altis Question 4 Who Owns the server Question 5 Who was the only admin to get Permed and the allowed back onto the staff. Question 6 random one How many rings in lord of the rings were given to men. Question 7 What year did Olympus open to the public Question 8 How many staff members are there. Question 9 Trickey What is the longest running gang on our servers. Question 10. Who made the intro to the latest gangwars event
  4. One more day then I'll be back iv missed you guys. I hate not having internet

  5. Not the place for a player report please find the support tab to submit a player report
  6. Not the place for a ban appeal please located the support tab
  7. we know about the servers 

    bow explains it here


    If you can't use PayPal/Netflix/Github or any other services right now, its most likely due to a DDoS on their DNS provider. https://www.dynstatus.com/ 

    1. JBruesch


      He's waiting for the millimeter peter ;D

    2. SPBojo


      he looks all ready for some action, when did Olympus turn PG18?....

  8. 4M
  9. 2.1m
  10. £755K
  11. The update brought a new way houses are synced. Unfortunately it nocked some virtual inventory out. If this happened to you please put a comp ticket in so we can get the issue resolved
      • 2
      • Like
  12. http://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ use that link to apply
  13. The cqc server is up and working but it is still in development. The name is Olympus CQC Testing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fedot


      HumbleBundle I presume

      Also Id like top report that it does not work plz give refund


    3. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      i already nicked it fedot haha get rekt

    4. Tman15tmb


      Prison architect is a great game ^___^

    1. Augustus


      is there going to be AI or something for the cqc?

    2. Aress


      no just what happens when Poseidon is testing

    3. Augustus


      oh, cool. Good to see its coming back!

  15. 3X4D3-PDB26-HBMWF-DKH9M-XY3W9

  16. have a free game


    1. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      some1 already got it ):

    2. Watermelone
    3. Aress


      random game from humble bundle

  17. We are aware of the servers being down we are looking into the issue

    1. SPBojo


      #BojoSquad claims responsibiity for this downtime :Kappa: i finally learned how to ddos using paint :Kappa:

  18. Aress


    Indeed I have some wierd recording of Peter talking about nonsense but him singing please say someone has it. His beautiful voice cracking glass:)
  19. we have a winner message me your player id using the private message
  20. The first one to answer all the questions correctly will win the prize of 1 million dollars in game. Questions 1. Who does the ring belong to. Question 2. What language does Gandalf speak the words of the ring (One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them,One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.) Question 3. What pippins full name Question 4. Where does Frodo need to take the ring to destroy it. Question 5. What creature is Treebeard. Question 6. How many dwarf women are featured in the films. Question 7. What is the name of the horse that Gandalf calls in the two towers. Question 8. How many rings of power are given to the elfs. Question 9. What blade does Frodo get stabbed with at the weathertop. Question 10. What is light called that Frodo gets given by the lady Galadriel. Submit your answers.
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