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Everything posted by TomKingslayer

  1. Msg me how much you got for it i have a neighboring house.
  2. my number is 911 if anyone wants to call it
  3. Need to sell. Also looking to buy a dp23 house. Server 2
  4. Ive reinstalled before already, ill try clearing CPU cache
  5. Sell me that spar16s? NVRM sold HMU in game or on forums and we can negotiate a price.
  6. All the time, my system memory usage gets to like 60-65% and I start getting windows errors, and eventually my Arma crashes. Ive lost probably 3 helis and its starting to get annoying. Message: " Arma 3: arma3_x64.exe - Application error 'The instruction at 0x################ referenced memory at 0x##################. The memory could not be read.' 'Click on OK to terminate the program' " Specs 980 ti classified i7 4790k 16gb(8x2) Corsair vengeance asrock z97 fatality Intel 160gb SSD(Windows drive, 75 gb free) Crucial/Micron m.2 SSD 256gb (arma 3/battlefield drive, 71gb free) 1tb WD Caviar Black HDD(General application drive, 381 gb free.) Anyone wanna help me fix my problem? If you can fix it i might give you some money in game or something.
  7. add nato pilot gear for purchase in rebel maybe?

  8. works fine for me. No more texture glitch.
  9. someone sell me another s2 dp24/25 house.

    1. TomKingslayer


      Ill buy it but max 5 mill. I still gotta buy the house after that and upgrade it multiple times.

  10. What a fucking champ to walk away from there like nothing happened
  11. Whats the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms? One is a Goodyear, the other is a great year.
  12. Ill correct my statement up top, it was supposed to say two hours. Ill correct my statement up top, it was supposed to say two hours.
  13. Its a 1 crater and starting bid probably 500k
  14. Cops make way to much holy shit
  15. Suprisingly its never happened to me on any other servers. I feel like one of the main reasons though is the new vehicle textures. Whenever the police orca rolls around I get a texture glitch and blackscreened. Kinda disappointing when cops are already kinda loaded lol.
  16. I have a house pretty close to yeast and in line with dp23. I have used it for moonshine previously but have since aquired a DP25 house. If anyone is looking to buy this house let me know and i will post the location.
  17. I bought all this stuff quite a while back, you also dont know the details of the rest. If its a game issue then why doesnt it ever happen on any other servers?
  18. Its kinda ridiculous that i have a nearly 2000 dollar PC and i cant go more then 20 hrs normally on the server with out texture glitching or black screening. I also have tbbmalloc installed which is supposed to help but it still refuses to work. Literally just crashed my racing caesar because i froze and black screened mid air and force disconnected. Even worse, shadow play wont record shit in arma when the game is crashing or texture glitch no matter what i do. I've been on the server for over 2 years now and i never remember there being a texture glitch even 6 months ago... Could you please fix it? As far as im concerned literally everyone is annoyed by it whether they personally are plagued with it or not. Not only does it effect the person who gets texture glitched but it also slows down their teammates/friends. Thanks, TomKingslayer Main Components: 980 ti i7 4790k 1600mhz DDR3 2x8gb Asrock z97 fatality. Storage. 256gb Crucial M.2 SSD(ARMA 3 INSTALL.) 160gb Intel 320 SSD(Windows) 1tb HDD(Random shit, Steam folder for not important games.)
  19. No, just make them all more expensive. Make the csat ghillies like 25k.
  20. Just wondering what I should expect to see during my return to Olympus and video games as a whole(Why I was away @Bottom). New PC should be ready in about 2 weeks or less, and I will definitely play the shit out of olympus being I can finally play again. Some quick questions regarding what I remember and what I would like to know: -Have legacy donation perks(people who donated before bohemia intervention and had their donor perks) became available to everyone? Id like to know because I am a legacy donator and enjoy being one of the only people to have a hatch sport. -Have vehicle upgrades changed/gotten better or worse. -Has drug running been effected at all? (&or have individual prices for certain drugs been increased or reduced.) -For people with a i7 4790k and GTX 980/970, what are your FPS like? I hope to see(and rob) you all soon. -- old laptop died, the 20 fps phantom is dead. Didnt have the money to buy a new PC so decided to save up and build a rig thats gonna last me a long time. New rig: i7 4790k Gtx 980 16gb HyperX Fury Red
  21. Better vehicle upgrades. Last time I played they were kinda not worth it.
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