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Status Replies posted by 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

  1. what makes someone a real player?

  2. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      why you keep on bringing up cake? he didn't fuck his sister or any of that bs you tree rats talk about. you guys just make things up to feel good about yourselves

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  3. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      this game is a mil-sim what you on about no real gangs. your gang isnt a real gang. dont be calling better players not real gangs

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  4. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      jaeger you aint thinking straight mate. go back to rehab so you can realize that your gang will get wiped by us

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  5. Have they returned?! Is it real?!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      even those washed up players can wipe your gang jaeger LOL :)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  6. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      probably why you dont wanna buy anymore since you lose them to me LOL thats sad

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  7. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      LOL jaeger our "sad sack" of friends can wipe your entire fucking awful gang LOL

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  8. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      orgondo, you buy titan loadouts every time and get tapped by me you mong

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  9. @(BurBan)Stealth Enough fucking around .. Bring it Back!!!

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      i do recall, it was like 5v10 yesterday and you refused to fight us LOL. one of your members brought out a 50 cal and lost it in 2 minutes HAAHAHAHHA. boring cause it isnt fun losing :)

    2. (See 61 other replies to this status update)

  10. Low FPS issues overtime on CQC fixed, loadouts fixed as well.

  11. To whoever chopped by Medic Hemtt: I hope you step on a lego.

  12. Regardless of the comments being made about 3 Rip hacking and all the bullshit he pulled the it was fun when he was around, I could always count  on TI to fight, or even sometimes work together with a rival gang to get rid of a nuisance such as Bad Blood when they tried to come over here and take over. 

    1. 9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      9RIC TH9 L9G9ND

      -I- you guys are a laughing stock. you guys are a biggest joke on this server. none of you guys can hit a still target. complain more about the new sway because your gonna stop playing arma after this

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  13. Can someone please post a screen shot of the map on the beta server?

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