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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. Is there any fights these days?? Have some time to kill in the next few weeks..

    1. NexIV


      Maybe on server 2 against this mans. @P a g e #FreeCasper

    2. DeadPool


      Yes good fights

  2. So still the same people on top good
  3. I’ll reinstall Arma if someone needs me
  4. <3
  5. Welcome it’s better on the other side. Also yes @Fushigi get a job
  6. @Hurricane the bot I kicked from Anarchy, also the one that jumped window with a frit
  7. later, Thanks I really tried lol
  8. lol nah imma give it to a good friend.
  9. I know I'm usually better than that, but once someone kills me with it....
  10. Alright, I edited it in five minutes. enjoy the cool song tho. Well, its time I'm afraid... I have been playing Olympus for 4 years now. I've made a million friends and I've enjoyed every cartel fight, aids gang, and gang that I've been in. Don't offended if I don't @you. I'm going to law school in February so with that and work I'm going to have no time to play anymore. All my gangs from Beginning to end. Semper Saevas, Armageddon, Mayhem, Titans, Infamous, New Kings, Centurion, MC, Regicide, Anarchy, Dynasty. @Fushigi Fuck you. <3 @badaim BDFGB @jumpman@Rico You're a fucking asshole. But its been a long time man. @Toasty Last GovNo kid left, keep going bot. @Peter Long Thanks for giving me that mil 4 years ago lmao @NiNo Brown Thanks for my first shot 4 years ago @Mike Dahmer keep going man @Skip Please stop fan girling. love you buddy o7 Olympus @Silton No more AKM problems... @Stuuurrt Stop Gargling OS and play Stellaris with us
  11. nothing ever went missing. not once. gonna miss ya lads
  12. Still permed so rip
  13. Exactly, retired to you...
  14. Retired to you.
  15. Vigi rat
  16. Fuck vigis but seriously no that’s dumb
  17. Played with m2 ages ago, and probably when @Corbaaan got 14 dayed for vdming Peters r&r ghosthawk with a Taru. Best 8 mil I ever spent
  18. There I gave you a like, quit begging peasant
  19. Went to using obs. Recently switched back to shadowplay though.
  20. 1 v 7 X-Factor back in the day.... that was the day I switched from shadowplay.
  21. Poggers
  22. Some men just want to watch the world burn
  23. Just ask the person if they are recording. If they say no you rdm them. Ez loophole. Ps. If they hesitate they are also not recording.
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