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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. Good bye man, I always respected your thoughts when you had something to reply/say on the forums. Always thought you were a bright person and a great leader. Now stepping down is one thing, but why do you have to leave?
  2. 10 hour shifts are brutal.

    1. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      13 hr car rides suck ass.

    2. Horizon


      The hell you in a car for 13hrs for?

    3. Fedot
  3. He had that there
  4. Cheating is one thing, but letting everyone know you're a cheater is even worse. hahahahahahahahhaha u suck
  5. If only everyone thought this way. <3
  6. Can't believe Pinkstreak Medic RDM'd me. Will not tolerate this abuse, thanks Hades for serving justice.

    1. Pinkstreak


      Aye! It was a 1 click shot and I 1 shot you. I should get a medal not a ban! #potatoaimgone4good

  7. What are you fucking ghandi?
  8. Olympus is great but it could be even greater. The developers and staff should sometimes listen to what we have to say as a community, or perhaps even community polls? Also staff always seem unhappy with their position as they hate dealing with shit. They also look down on us players and dont understand in some situations that olympu DOES mean a lot to them, or even an APD rank means a tremendous amount to them as its what they invest a huge amount of their day into. If a staff got demoted and someone said "well you can earn it back again" it would fucking suck. Im not speaking for myself here btw just for some of the few unhappy people atm.
  9. Anyone into Deathcore? If not what about lighter metal? example below
  10. Prayers are with you McDili. Feel better and IK you can get through this tough time!
  11. EW! Everyone shun the crossdresser!
  12. lmao what a video, thanks for the laugh. Moob nice job shooting that engine out though!
  13. Thanks to the staff team for their hard work! Nice thread!
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