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About Albo

  • Birthday 06/21/2000

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  • Arma 3 Player ID
  • Olympus Gang
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  • Location
    United States

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Citizen (3/7)



  1. Honestly, you're in the wrong on both and I feel like your message should be switched to something that is more direct at the start of the message. Here is my message: "YOU ARE IN BREACH OF PRIVATE AIRSPACE! Autohover IMMEDIATELY and await further instructions! Failure to comply will result in death by TITAN." Your first message doesn't have to have instructions for every type of air vehicle possible, but just a brief engagement that applies to all air vehicles and then do a follow up for instructions if they actually comply. First clip, you didn't even give them time to comply and you clearly see them start their hover before you shot. You should only shoot if they dive down or flare. Since that would be considered an evasive maneuver. Flying up is not evasive AT ALL. This one is really the fault of your lengthy message. Second clip, you are completely in the wrong and Marcus was right to ban you. Just because someone slightly drifts does not mean they are evading. Although they slightly drifted, there was no vehicular movement that suggested an evasion attempt. You just shot cause you thought you were right within the rules...
  2. I recommend finding a gang who is recruiting and do runs with them. It's really the only way you will have a chance starting out. Set a goal to buy a house close to a processor of your choice and then grind a lil to get there. 75% of the player base is exactly how you described and will target anyone with a pulse. Just gotta adapt to it. It's not really an RP server ,but more of a TDM with a ruleset behind it.
  3. Villa and yeast field garage listed and sold immediately last night. I still have the 4C and the dp23 Garage for sale. If anyone is interested, dm me and I will list them on the realtor. If anyone is curious, Villa was sold for $66 million and the yeast field garage was sold for $9 million. Probably could've squeezed more out of it, but I think it was a good deal NOW IT'S TIME TO HIT THE CASINOOOOOO
  4. It's THE four-crater
  5. He gives me a $500k deposit and then he will get $10 million off
  6. Been holding up these houses for too long and have had many players offer to buy them off of me, but have always refused. Since I haven't done a run in close to a year now, I decided that it's time to part ways with this beautiful moonshine setup and give it to players who are actually active and doing runs consistently. Prices are going to be high so if you are the type of person to be like "they are not worth near that amount", then you clearly don't know how much money can be made with this setup. I will list these houses on the in-game realtor for the highest offers I get by this Sunday. FULLY UPGRADED HOUSES DP 23* 4 Crater - $20 Million DP23* Garage - $5 Million Moonshine Distributer Villa (1km away) - $50 Million Yeast Field Garage (225m Away) - $8 Million
  7. I own it, but don't really want to give it up. Going to start playing again soon. Unless the price is right, I probably won't sell.
  8. @ Legendary Has the best keys in the game
  9. Yeah, Jerry super trusted for the dp22 keys
  10. I was extremely bored so I spent a day remaking the federal reserve.


  11. Why didn't you check their stats page beforehand?? LOL
  12. If you leave, then the community won't have someone to bully... I've personally never had an issue with you and feel like you bring up points that most people don't want to hear, but are somewhat necessary to be said.
  13. I've always thought that if they cut the price in half, they could easily get double to triple the current subscriptions cause $7.50 isn't very expensive, but I'm not paying $15 a month for most skins that I won't use.
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