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Everything posted by Ham

  1. Welcome to Olympus (belated)
  2. Having a great time rping as well as others having a good time as I do it. Another one would be helping people in the APD, I just like to see people rise the ranks and have them do good.
  3. Ham


    Might wanna get your heart checked.
  4. Ham


    Hey man! Welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your stay and have the most fun possible. Here are the links to the rules <3 Welcome to Olympus
  5. ¡Hey hombre! Bienvenido al servidor ! Esperamos que disfrute de su estancia y tener lo más divertido posible. Aquí están los enlaces a las normas que solicitó < 3 (I used google translate, please don't hurt me) Welcome to Olympus
  6. Hey man! Welcome to the server! Hope you enjoy your stay and have the most fun possible. Here are the links to the rules that you asked for <3 Welcome to Olympus
  7. Ham


    All the staff do their job to the best of their abilities, we shouldn't pick and choose who the best one is. We should acknowledge that all the mods/admins do a great job.
  8. Ham


    @Bubbaloo @Gidgit @Peter Long@McDili @brodyunderwood1@Dezree@Tman15tmb@Deimos@Ares@Mr Kevin@Shelby And your King @Grandma Gary <3 Peter the kind of guy to miss a point blank Zubr shot to the head. (No hurt Peter, ily bb <3)
  9. Ham


  10. Mothafucka
  11. I would get a bigger case, just in case.
    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Ham
    3. BENJI


      @Ham Screw you Ham :(

    4. Poro


      @Benjamin Remer Yeah ham doesn't really know who his mom is, she just had paper bags over her face her whole life. Then she left him. So Ham just calls anyone his mom now :/

  12. Trimo is 15 right now I think. Birthday was in Febuary if I'm not mistaken
  13. Thanks, but for me to get sergeant, I would have to wait another year, even though my birthday is next month, I would only be 15. Yes, I am 14, but I have been told I am mature for my age
  14. #RipTheDream Thanks <3 Means a lot but, as Dili has stated, I can't go further into the APD. Though I wish I could, it seems I am like an insect in a spider's web.
  15. Happy Birthday Gummy :)

  16. It is sad to see you leave the APD ,Bubbaloo. You pushed me to play cop more and try to secure a corporal spot, you helped me along the way with that along with many other things, like banning me for killing you with binoculars. But, You as a moderator, will do great things. <3
  17. Bubbaloo pls :'(
  18. Happy 2nd Birthday GOAT :)

  19. When McDili locks a post before you can send in the beautifully crafted message you took 5-10 mins to create. :(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Mobundo African Warlord

      Mobundo African Warlord

      JUWANNA MAN U OWE ME MONEY... REMEMBER? HELLO Protection TAX? @Juwanna Man And Son i am Not Paying Shieet u don't even lift @Ham

    3. Juwanna Man

      Juwanna Man

      I payed u by giving you ham

    4. Ham


      @Mobundo African Warlord Dad, the only thing you lift is men on top of your dick. But, the only thing I lift is probably a tennis racquet, so I can't say much. And, you also have all that money from the blood diamonds, I only want some new pillows so I can hide them in my pants for when my mother's husband beats me.

  20. Motha fuckin Gengar, dude.
  21. I tried
  22. https://gyazo.com/bb55e125433958a828482484071761bd
  23. Same Also, my brother leaked my "nevermind get fucking rekt" thing around school when it first happened, and it was complete and utter aids for a week.
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