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About xLittleJimmy

  • Birthday October 14

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. He requested a ticket as you nice staff said to do. Mind you he did it with video evidence (Which did mess up and wouldn't play); BUT just CHECK THE FUCKING LOGS. Thank you. I love you and please give him his hard earned money back. Thanks again (Sorry for using my caps lock but its not fair to him) Dont ignore this (HELP)
  2. Want really DOPE, SHITTY, TRAP beats for your sick Olympus montages and videos?!?! Well your in luck! For a limited time (All Day Every Day) you can use Little Jimmy's trash beats for your amazing videos with no cost! If you wish to check them out and use them here is my trash SoundCloud! (Make Sure To FOLLOW :D) - https://soundcloud.com/user-136978274 Not enough trash for you? Check out my YouTube (Please Subscribe. plss) -https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo2gM9oDx2rJxz-Rjh_9FeQ
  3. Man, Who will I have to save now
  4. Why you leaving us fam
  5. No mf problem, But they not ready for that sexy picture Whiskey.
  6. There is a lot of shit talkin in side chat about how big and bad they are behind this screen. SO how about we have people drop some pics and see how big and bad everyone really is? Tired of all this talk.
  7. Jamal. I will ruin your life in this world of Altis. Stay on my good side
  8. I have more pubic hairs than you've had kills
  9. We know you dont want help. This wasnt meant to be serious. But if people want they will :)
  10. Its okay hes irrelevant
  11. We all know Gidgit. Loving, caring, protector of Altis. This man has spent so much money and time of his life, keeping Altis safe and criminal-free. I am proposing a charity for this man. I DO NOT recommend donating the money if you do not have it. (In-Game Money Of Course) He has spent his savings and his money for his family on keeping the island save and I think its time to give back to the man. Donate if you'd like and help him out when you see him! Thank you all. - The Little Jimmy Fund
  12. Love You Baby <3 Thanks For Eveything
  13. Is It Just Me Or Are There Problems Going On Joining The Server For Anybody Else?
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