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Everything posted by Linka

  1. The shittage is a lot shorter than normal; I'm about to restart my break offline so I wanted to get it out ^__^./

  2. Nothing is better the Linker the Shittertages.
  3. can we not ddos linka k thx 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Linka


      poseidon can we please use the donation money to buy everyone ddos protection?

    3. Poseidon


      Uh yea sure, we just gotta find the people who won the powerball to donate to us, then google fiber for all! :Kappa:

    4. Linka


      i think k3 won 

  4. kavala is never the same..
  5. First one doesnt shock me at all.. lol.
  6. I really like watching your down votes grow because it's at 300k lol. I don't have anything against you!
  7. I think once all cops get over the "L0L MONEY TIME BOIZ" phase of the loss of the guideline, any cops that actually play cop to roleplay, will. We already had cops who role played without getting names and they were the most fun to get processed by. I made a hassle for my name because no cop role played after that shit and it was annoying as hell. Trust fam, you'll get used to it and will the cops. I'm hoping we turn away from "I got your name you fuck now (Goes through the L.I.S.T and doesnt give you a chance to do ANYTHING the entire time.) Here's your ticket..", with the loss of the guideline because we won't spend our time on getting names and focus elsewhere. idk im dumb
  8. It's getting rid of a guideline. Not really a huge change; people could do it already. If they did or not is up to them, and it still is tbh. If they added the guideline people would still do it, so no point in having a shit in your pants for it.
  9. I got you fam we should lock this before this shit storm of a thread blocks my gutters.
  10. We were ALREADY allowed to do it. It's fine dude, play safely. It's adds a new aspect to cops. New aspect to civs. I personally like it, i have to actually plan out when i scat, and that's fine with me (:
  11. Gary won't give me 100k positive rep no valla
  12. Linka

    The APD

    Don't get me started lol
  13. Linka

    The APD

    Sir "The Shitter ®" is copy righted by Linka Inc. Please ask for permission before you use this, thank you.
  14. Linka

    The APD

    i love larry but he's an idiot
  15. Literally gone for a week and ur mod
  16. Hi everyone Linka the shitter here! I have bad news. I've been having some bad times lately and it's effecting my personality in game and out- So I'm gonna be laying low and not playing as much for a bit- hope everyone understands and mad sorry for talking shite. Later
  17. didnt know this was an old post sorry
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