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Everything posted by JoeL

  1. I believe that might be the one Lonnie I only seen you a couple times and that was really only in Kavala lol, I also really enjoyed your news videos, and you always liked to Rp well! I hope your happy in your new community that's all that matters it's a game that's meant to have fun!
  2. JoeL


    When i use OBS my game Alt tabs randomly.
  3. I got a Mar10 with 20Mags and some Rco scopes, a P07, 2 Mx's with 10Mags, 2 Police Uniforms only deputy vest tho and to make it look realistic I'll buy you a berret or 2. I have a Titan no rockets will sell cheaper, I can also buy Ga Vest and Helmets so make a offer and I'll be willing to sell all this stuff. It was really hard to get this stuff 6 hostages just for the Mar 10 so don't joke with prices.
  4. I think your the only one with this problem...
  5. I will be salty too if everything gets open to the public lol. But i also donate to help the server, recently before this monthly thing came up I donated $25 knowing it would do nothing just to help.
  6. ARCO- For mk MRCO- For Katiba & PDW God here.
  7. JoeL


  8. JoeL

    Later nerds

    Your such a shitter linka get off this post, wait it's your post... Have a good time off see you soon.
  9. Best Shot: My boy Trimorphious Always stealing my kills. @Trimorphious Best Driver: Wang/ Weathers Best Heli Pilot: BigPat For losing Connection every time he gets in the air. Best Officer: CheeseGrater @Cheesegrater Best R&R: Issac Newton Best Kavala Troll: [TAXI] Marty~ =] Best RP'r: |SS| Azela Most Tactical: F3AR Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Ham @Ham Most Reliable: Phizx Most Dedicated Player: Nino Brown Best CQC player: Pinkmen Best Clutch plays: JackL for always being the watch dog ( what ever that means ) MVP: In my opinion Corban has been the Most MVP in Olympus to me he was always there when i needed help, or when i was playing alone and needed someone to play with.@WanaBeCop
  10. JoeL


    I would be proud to have my bans in my name lol
  11. JoeL


    Im bored, People talk to me
  12. only a year old
  13. I didn't feel like reading the 50 Novels people put here but I agree with you I never Rob unless it's a big gang, or a big truck doing meth nothing else. Robbing people doing peaches or copper or even fishing that's being Toxic which causes the community to Not have many new players to the server or even to the game! I usually will wire new names I see on the ATM any where from 50-100k to help
  14. JoeL


    Me to
  15. You should get a DayZ standalone sever, If it's a private server you can have a admin tool I think.
  16. I use A blue yeti as a mic, But my Logitech G230's are cheap, comfy and have great sound my two friends also have them and use the mic and they sound pretty good! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00BFOEY4I/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1451939220&sr=8-1&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=logitech+g230&dpPl=1&dpID=41xk%2B60EIhL&ref=plSrch
  17. Best thing I ever read, You forgot one name tho...
  18. •3Rip•
  19. *Cough* Ebzekro, And i have had 30Mill
  20. JoeL

    Happy Birthday fam

  21. Good idea with blood bags, Watch what you say what medics Mutinator will go ham on this post lol.
  22. I vote Perm Smell ya later lol The hatchbacks weren't Insured
  23. lmao
  24. Got anymore Abdera Houses?
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