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Everything posted by Augustus

  1. A really good tip is to somehow get your hands on a police tazer, such as the MX or SPAR-16. You can do this by a: robbing a cop or b: doing a hostage situation. Being a vigi with a sting is literally impossible to play. Considering most people with large bounties have GA's, you will be long dead by the time you taze him. Honestly, if you want to RP, just join the police force. I'd do it for the money. The profits aren't very big as a vigi, but you can get lucky.
  2. Will the auction house be released around the time that the weapons factory is released, if the donation goal is met?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Augustus


      @Alfredo An old vid that djwolf made on it


    3. Augustus


      Oh... They were talking about it during the stream thing when the armory was announced, prob just gonna be delayed a while

  3. Still think medics should get Tarus with the medical pods. You can get medical assistance in it, and they could somehow make it so you could receive dopamine in it.
  4. Ehhh. I use both depending on what I'm doing. They're both great for long range and short range, but they both have their disadvantages. The MK-1 has a slow fire rate, but very controllable recoil compared to the MK-18. The MK-18 is the opposite. The 18 has an extremely high fire rate, but a very high recoil. If you're good at controlling recoil, the 18 is the way to go. Both great weapons.
  5. Congrats on Lt. G.O.A.T!

  6. An estimation of the possible ashfall from a month-long period after the volcano eruption. Doubt it will happen anytime soon.
  7. Happy birthday Sugarfoot and Talindor!

  8. I mean, I was the closest to pb...., it's simply too large of a number range to guess the exact
  9. Augustus

    RIP Tree

    Money over Bitches? Who was the bright one to come up with that
  10. 1.) If you fight people, it wouldn't be like this. Practice makes perfect. 2.) Not all fighting is necessarily robbing. Cartels? 3.) You can do both? If you don't like fighting, I understand that. Some people are like that. But why not give it a try for a little bit
  11. Arma is meant for fighting, why not?
  12. literally an indestructible airport, 10/10
  13. Helped me a bit
  14. PB: 854 Gang: Vortex
  15. hands up you pussy bitch
  16. Big Towers are so fucking laggy. Please don't.
  17. Commendable User Augustus :lol:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augustus
    3. Ham


      How do you change that?

    4. Augustus


      @Ham Once you get 1000 posts on the forums, go to Account-Account Settings-Edit Profile- and then at the top it says Member Title, and you can edit it to anything you'd like.

  18. Your first 7.62 is 14 and that's AKM. MK18 is like 20ish and MK-1 is 35. Ranking up is a pain in the ass considering half the time you spawn, you spawn right in front of a guy and he kills you within seconds of spawning
  19. Academy is my only option rn, and it's a [GER] server that you have to spend hours over hours to get a MK-1. Olympus CQC needs to come back
  20. Cops can die so easily, considering they get horrible armor + guns unless they are Senior APD, so if they had NLR, it would be extremely unfair
  21. The castle is a classic, that will NEVER get moved.
  22. I liked old mushroom cartel up by DP4, that was cool. Pain in the ass to get to tho
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