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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. not necessarily, Jmcan got a harassment ban for calling anti "it" putting that crybaby tag to work?
  2. It helps you hear things further out so if ur a runbot its a god send. can hear almost anything a click away
  3. coinflip on google if theyre good for it theyll pay up. if no one takes him up on it im doing it tmro morning.
  4. another day another flagpole to spin on. Make sure you use code strafe at checkout.

    1. Excision


      yo hop on wokka real quck

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      😞 i cant believe ive been banned from wokka cqc. whatever will i do now

  5. whoever was paying 4-5m for a 762 supp was getting clowned. ur gonna be holding onto it for a minute dog.
  6. guys today is a sad day ive been banned from my favorite arma 3 cqc server 😞 all because some fatty think im spinning

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      box.png.ac95da18fa50dca396e80db667c2fa27.pngthe boxes in question

    3. monster
    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      rabid bro i been asking you to put me on. i wish i paid $80 to spin bro @ Revy is charging me $100 a week for the revyboxs v2.6

  7. i told you to watch out for mako bro. soon hes gonna be in your dms dmcaing you and using your bot as a oly+ feature
  8. @ jmcan OUR VIGI ACCOUNTS ARE EXPOSED real talk though very cool thing your doing, might wanna be careful tho, makos gonna make u remove this then add it as a oly+ feature. Funny u used him as a example though lmao.
  9. 1x Mar10 Taser w/5 mags Offer - 1.6m1x CMR Taser Offer - 150k1x LIM Taser Offer - 700k1x 7.62 Suppresor Offer - 2m1x Armed Huron - 6m
  10. 47ea60e13d00bc19e3529c8b0c605f2c.png

    @ Grandma Gary  this ones about you

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      That's not quite accurate, sometimes I shoot down unarmed jets too.  So not only do I like to keep all the fun to myself I also like having fun at others expense.

      If you're gonna spread misinformation at least try and include a tiny bit of truth. ^_^

    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      my apologies gary

  11. wheres the handbook update where u unblacklist me winters
  12. okay okay heres ur best offer buddy. 6m + a 9mm supp.
  13. fuck this jmcan guy ill give you 6m buddy
  14. you cant silence the truth


    1. Ryne


      Supply is unreal 

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