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johnny goose

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Everything posted by johnny goose

  1. I hoped on the server for less than 20 minutes. Got a full loadout hands up or died some WAR kids and i instantly said im taking your gps and comms i brought him to a building and texted the cops he talked to friends in ts or some shit and they 1v4ed me. Ive been watching olympus die for a long ass time. Its a rule breaking toxic filled server. Before you say "Record and report" first off shadowplay kills my fps in gunfights and i really wanna stop doing the admins work cause 80% of the time i report admins will deny it when its blatant rule breaking. Ive even had times where admins said no cause i was "Nit picking rules." Im honestly done with olympus untill the server becomes less toxic and the admins actually enforce the rules not just rdm and failrp.
  2. I saw a tree kip comment and already knew he came and started being toxic.
  3. Anyone got any good songs just cleared up my songs playlist down to 3 songs. All i have now is - Logic - Under Pressure Russ - Pull The Trigger Atlas -A letter to my freshman self Logic - Gang Related Logic - Nikki ( Oh yea i like logic. Like alot) Anyways if you guys have any good songs post em please.
  4. Did i hear remove hospitals. I think we should remove hospitals.
  5. Is this a insult? Sorry i dont play arma for 40 hours a week anymore.
  6. What? Maybe than offer them full price for it make all houses sell for 100% for 2 - 3 days. and i get it is a problem with slots donations are the only way to fix that problem i still stand with what i said a whitelisted server would be good for olympus. We're not confining anyone if you want on S2 a server with less rule breakers then join fourms and post for 1 - 2 weeks. S1 gangs can change over easily see above. I dont see how whitlisting servers would kill half of the community. Im saying S1 should be for people who are randoms or people who dont care much about rule breakers and take the game seriously S2 should be for dedicated players of olympus but it shouldent have 100 whitelisted players every person who has the rank "Member" on fourms should be welcomed on S2 but they should know that if they fuck up it will be taken much more serious than if it was on S1 i feel like it would keep both server on 70-100 players but act as a sort of filter. Not alot of time to rebudle these sorry guys. Also no time to check spelling sorry.
  7. So i had posted a post breakdown in Mods !! Eventually the post led to tkcjessie posting about my post and he got onto a point of mine and rule breakers. He mentioned that all life servers are plauged with rule breakers. This got me thinking about a way to fix rule breakers. Of course there will always be some rule breakers but hopefully the admins really consider this as i think it would be. So ill be copying what i said. Strawpoll - http://www.strawpoll.me/11647838/ Post 1 "@Peter Long@Poseidon@tkcjesse Make server 2 whitelisted and only allow people who are members on the fourms to join? " Post 2 "Wont happen, 1. staff are already up to there necks with reports, but trying to white list hundreds of hundreds of people is not what they want to do. 2. Will only decrease the amount of kavala scatters that are on the serve, a lot of people make the sacrifice to rdm or fail rp by killing their restrained friend and then just accepted the ban. my friends have done it and I've been the victim of being killed while in restraints, white listing hundreds of people is not going to help. 3. Many gangs are server oriented, meaning that they only play on one server and not on the other, so having one server with potentially less people and hypothetically less rule breakers would be unfair to the other gangs that are based on the other server. wouldn't be fair. Staff and all wont do it, and i wouldn't want to have to get white listed to just go on and play civ and shoot some cops and to go scat" Post 3 "I get where your coming from but the way you look at white listing and how this would work is very naive and felt like you took little time to write this and dident look it over at all. So i guess ill break down another post. " 1. staff are already up to there necks with reports, but trying to white list hundreds of hundreds of people is not what they want to do." - Your fourm profile is linked to your steam 64 bit ID aka your Arma 3 Player ID. Making this system automated would be very easy as a big part of this is already done. If you still don't understand ill explain in a way you may get. Lets say your a member on fourms this in turn would make you a member in game if your a Admirable Member then in turn your a Admirable member in game. See easy. " 2. Will only decrease the amount of kavala scatters that are on the serve, a lot of people make the sacrifice to rdm or fail rp by killing their restrained friend and then just accepted the ban. my friends have done it and I've been the victim of being killed while in restraints, white listing hundreds of people is not going to help." - Decreasing scatters can be seen as a good thing honestly. And most KavScats are members+ like did you actually think this through? No random is gonna join Olympus and start scatting instantly they're gonna need money and they're more than likely getting rdmed so they'll goto fourms and make a account and they'll likely browse fourms and start posting etc. Your right some people will gladly take a ban so here is a fix double the length of bans on the whitelisted server or ban them from the server for a amount of time and make them only allowed to play on the non whitelisted server and also ban them on the non whitelisted server for a amount of time but it should be less than the whitelisted server. " 3. Many gangs are server oriented, meaning that they only play on one server and not on the other, so having one server with potentially less people and hypothetically less rule breakers would be unfair to the other gangs that are based on the other server. wouldn't be fair." - Yes many gangs are. Most people in gangs are members+. "so having one server with potentially less people and hypothetically less rule breakers would be unfair to the other gangs that are based on the other server." ok so heres how this would ACTUALLY work out. If people actually cared theyed move to the whitelisted server to make their gang as profitable as possible and yes this would work we have many many many members on the fourms and many many many many many non fourm players. S1 = Non-Fourm players S2 - Member+ server. And the whole unfair thing makes you sound childish yes it would be unfair suck it up the gang could easily fix it by holding a meeting and saying "Everyone sell your houses we're moving to Server 2 if your not a Member become one in 1 week or else you will be kicked." So yes its fair. I say this again, this would fix rdm a fuck ton anyone whose done with rdm will just move the S2 and the little RDM on S2 should be taken very seriously and the person who did it should be punished severely and this isent just rdm, NLR, FailRp, etc should all be taken very seriously" Strawpoll - http://www.strawpoll.me/11647838/ TL;DR - Basically make S2 whitelisted for members on the fourms only. I think this would help get rid of most of the rule breaking that plagues Olympus. Ill just say some things if your a TL;DR kind of person. This wont fix all the rule breaking but most. If admins / Poseidon do this hopefully they make the bans on the whitelisted server a lot more severe than on the non whitelisted server. The whitelisting process should / would be automatic using your Arma 3 Player ID / Steam 64 bit ID as it is linked to your profile on fourms basically meaning if your a Member on the fourms your a Member in game if your a Admirable Member on fourms your Admirable Member in game. Gangs wouldent be a problem as most gang members are members on fourms. Strawpoll - http://www.strawpoll.me/11647838/
  8. Probably going with what Joel said if I notice pops I'll buy a filter thanks guys.
  9. So my current headset is a razer kraken I use the mic in it to. I have $180 I'm thinking a blue yeti snowball with a pop filter and saving for some astros. Would anyone recommend any good setup for somthing like that or a good headset
  10. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  11. Just do what i did and find the cringiest anime song you could. Or death metal
  12. He lives by the rule "Holla Holla Get Dolla" Also id do that in a heartbeat id choose fake money over friends Kappppppppppppppppppppppaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  13. go ride levis dick when 1 shes a she and 2 why levi?
  14. >Number on fan >Number on >on on on...
  15. I play on 120 but i usually double tap minus its impossible to use compass though...
  16. Sup queers. Ok so peter shlong do the olympus community a flavor and when you stream the gang wars save the VOD on twitch if you dont know how to do that then google it and if peter shlong denies to do it or decides to not do it someone record it please. Ill be playing paintball from 11AM CST to around 5PM cst so ill miss it. KKK thanks guys peter shlong save vod plz ill suky. Ive also given up on trying to make sense on olympus so GG.
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