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Everything posted by Roo

  1. 1) LMAO @Poon 2) Cheers @anti grats mate!
  2. Subscription run out?
  3. Roo

    Noah Sneeze

    More, we need more...
  4. Thanks for the fun times brother. I got your back. Good luck in your endeavours my friend
  5. Lmao.... what server?
  6. Now where did I leave my DMS.....
  7. Roo


  8. Yep. Ill try forcing the update again. And she's good to go. Thanks @Civak and @Brolaf
  9. Yeah that is the new update. Its a lil 30mb hotfix patch or something they added just an hour or so ago.
  10. Bleh... This Old man patch is rude... https://gyazo.com/08b05b1e07fc641c172bb28594952215 Hotfix Killin the server again. Plez fix so I can get owned some more.
  11. Hey all, Just getting this strange error. Never seen it before on Amra3. After playing on my Rebel, I tried switching to my Vigi Acc and I'm now getting this message as it boots me just at the splash screen before you hit play. I can get into the lobby fine and hear/read the chatter but it boots me at the splash every single time. This has started happening straight after the new server update. Anyone else having the same problem? Check error here: https://gyazo.com/368b4393a3720639a61a2c0d324d02a9 Cheers, Roo. Ok so a quick update. I restart my computer. Not just Steam and I'm back in on my Vigi. Not sure if that will help at all if anyone else experiences it.
  12. Roo


  13. WHat you got left?
  14. Same
  15. Accepting serious offers
  16. S1
  17. All serious offers considered
  18. Cradled by hands of Kronos I stand.

  19. Roo

    Gang Logo's

    Sure bud, what sorta logo would you like? Feel free to message me a description of what you want it to look like or I can just give a you a few different styles and you can pick. Nice one Rusty!
  20. Hi people, The Notorious Roo here. as I am on "Holidays" at the moment I Just wanted to put a shout out to anyone who may want a logo made for their Gang at all. I am a Graphic Designer by trade and would love to contribute some of my free time to making logo's for people in game. Free of charge of course. Anything I can do to help the community! Regards, Roo. Here's a hand drawn one I did for Comp or Ban on my Note Edge at work in my spare time. I'm also proficient with graphic art programs and can make more professionally edited logo types, however at the moment I'm having heaps of fun drawing on my phone.
  21. Tman Has assisted with this.
  22. Hey people, After the very recent update I cant lock or access one of my houses storage. Any suggestions why or fixes?
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