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Everything posted by Solomon

  1. Hey you forgot to add the part where you guys got fucked <3
  2. It would appear that you have the same rig as me, are you still having your game crash from running out of memory?
  3. Personally the hospitals give me no issues with fps. I guess sometimes when I log in on medic it will take a few seconds to load it fully but that is it. On a side note does anyone have any solutions to arma crashing due to running out of memory? I have 16 gigs of ram and I am confident it is not actually all being used (yes I did set it to 16 gigs on my launch options). To go off of what you were saying Rusty I.E. the FPS glitch does anyone know if it is an arma thing in general or something that the devs are working on fixing? I have an i7 6700k, an asus 1080 strix, 16 gigs of ram and I still get that shit. It has been really frustrating over the past few weeks and I am curious what if anything can/is being done to fix the issue.
  4. To start off I would like to say I am simply stating my opinion and reaching out to the community through the forums. All though we are in 2016 I am hoping that the majority of you will be able to exert some maturity throughout this topic. (Please staff if this becomes constant flame and random bullshit simply close it, thanks) Now I would first like to talk about the parasites of our community in general. There are not to many of them but there presense is still deeply felt throughout the community. These people I am talking about are the rule breakers, the cheaters, the dupers, and the all around salty douchy horrible people that we sadly encounter each and everyday. Luckily we have the staff team to weed these players out with the help of the community and the reports they submit. It seems that sometimes this system we have seems to glitch or malfunction and people such as rusty and 3rip mbpslayer and more (yes i know mbp is now permed but it sure took a damn while). What is a perm ban if it is not perminant? There are some people like the ones I listed above who cant seem to get there acts together and they are the big nasty parasites, yet again, we do have a cure. That of which is a perm ban, an ACTUAL PERM, but sadly I am not so sure those exist. If there was any real proof submitted to disprove what these people were permed for in the first place, why were they lifted? The staff team I know takes action when rules are broken and I am simply curious as to why these people are exceptions? Does it not concern any of you that outstanding members of our community such as Corporal Moob, a person who runs one of the most successfull gangs on this server and a lieutenant in the APD vowed to quit if 3-rips ban was lifted and has followed through with his promise? We need to keep our server clean of these parasites and if a perm ban never sticks I have real worries for the future. There is a reason that history is taught, and that is so that it does not repeat itself, and this my friends is a repeat. So i would simply like to know, why were these people given 2nd or third chances? They knew what the consequences of their actions would be and they went through with them anyway. To those of you thinking of flaming in the chat please remember that you will only be further proving my point, i will not respond to you, I will not acknowledge you, I will let you sit there and be the little parasite that you are. If I am wrong and these people were unbanned for just reasons I apologize to you, like I said I simply want information and to let others know my view on the matter. Have a lovely day, lets keep this community clean. *DISCLAIMER THIS WAS WRITTEN ON MY PHONE AND IS POTENTIALLY RIDDLED WITH ERRORS
  5. It was fun, good to see it was all constructive and that relevant points that strongly effect the community were discussed. Hope to do it again soon.
  6. Swervy at this point you should really just take down the video and hold on to the sliver of dignity you have.....
  7. This my friend is a prime example of why you were kicked out...... You put you killing people in restraints as well as killing people who just got revived in a montage, what in the hell is wrong with you? Honestly its a shame I cant dislike this..... @Peter Long when will he be banned for all of the people he killed in restraints/rdm? BTW just saw that part of you begging to join at the end, the answer is no.
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