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Parker R

Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Parker R

  1. why are you flagged for abusive behaviour
  2. thats it... im sending you to timeout
  3. took me a while to learn the call out... you should know it.. its a good one
  4. I don't even want to know what airport tycoon is
  5. My son you couldn't hit a shot even if it meant killing your papa while by y inventory at rebel... No nutty shots are commin out of my son anytime soon.. Your grounded
  6. My son... You don't need to record when papas here...
  7. Lemi just tell you something box... I watched this about 10 time and I couldn't tell you if your voice changed sence senior year. Also we need the McDonald picture in here to make it better. Thanks @TroyOGG Mr.epic, AllahSaveMe and fucking dabesteva made a channel in our ts names roblox. When I came in the channel they screamed at me "tac coms"... Lord have mercy on our gang
  8. From what I've done.. I've killed the most people through walls then I ever have before the update. Idk if it's just me but the mk1 shreds the mud houses and the white fences... I have not tried the ak12 this update but the mk18 does the same as the mk1.
  9. @Epic
  10. Hahahah this man said rocket league!! This man can't hit the balls to save his life. I would slap my fat cock on your face if we played Jeffy.
  11. Mr.epic is a god... Don't be talkin smack about the man..
  12. My huge cock will come flying through the window and smack you in the face... That's how I will take it down
  13. I'm down for a cqc server if anything... Just what Olympus needs. Considering that the only cqc server is German kek
  14. Parker R

    RIP Tree

    Im dead
  15. selling a 1 crater that is 80 meters away from pro in the redzone. any offers? if intrested offer me and ill show you location of house if you are interested:)
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