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Everything posted by Heatflow

  1. you fucking cunt.
  2. Heatflow


    all the cartels would be aids, maybe a system where the cartels changed locations every so often would be cool, but a cartel for every drug would just cause tons of people going as bambis and just afk capping em.
  3. 100% agree bring back warzone outposts or i leak fedots nudes.
  4. Only when [VX] is on
  5. YES, old athira reb was dank. plus the new one is camped just as much so it wont change much other than better fights.
  6. #FreeLinka :FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      He was moderated for various reasons. Let this be a lesson, stop spamming Gang Application posts, do not be toxic, and stop being a troll.

    3. Heatflow


      Sorry Peter Short, wont let it happen again. <3

    4. Grandma Gary
  7. NaClo 4 lyfe
  8. kek, stop shooting with your big toe, then start calling hacks.
  9. Ok here goes nothing, first of all i am a randy so this probably means nothing, but why would he go through all the work of making montages, talking himself up, etc. and hell even after he gets banned, play on other servers and to this day still has the same exact skill, on random servers like encore etc. nobody would hack on that shit. I think a certain group of people were just tired of getting their assholes ripped open by him and pulling the usual internet excuse, hes better than me he must be hacking. now i dont wanna say more because i know im already gonna be the talk of someones ts. but its kinda stupid you gotta be biased like this(not pointing fingers). then again i did watch his videos in 0.25 speed, clearly snaps . kill me
  10. LOL
  11. No shit.
  12. Lmao, idk if you fight or not but adding the mk1 wouldnt affect a whole lot.
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