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Locked We got The Great Tree on National TV!

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  • Lord of Tickets

All this hate while I'm watching throwback episodes of WWE and have PPV parties every month with all my boys so we can be men and yell about fake fights and ridiculously predictable story lines.


News flash: We are all 24+ in age. You don't have to be of a certain age to stop watching wrestling. 


Good shit getting that on TV boys. That's actually sick.

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  • Lord of Tickets
9 minutes ago, tkcjesse said:

Amen! I love watching some good dude on dude action.

And the occasional woman on woman (which is surprisingly a lot more impressive these days to actually watch passed the sexual standpoint)

16 minutes ago, tkcjesse said:

Amen! I love watching some good dude on dude action.

Lol. Love the wording. Love seeing it get really intense and hearing em' cream scream!

EDIT: meant to say scream, not cream. Sounds really weird.

7 minutes ago, DanteFleury said:

actually watch passed the sexual standpoint)

Thats like watching porn for the plot. Spoiler: It's not actually sausage on that delivery boy's pizza.

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