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Courtesy and Police Interviews.

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First, let me say I'm not trying to be a dick about this I think overall you run a good server and I donated for that very reason.


That said;  What is going on with police interviews?  I have been in the room every day for over a week without results.  I understand that people are busy and have things to do but so do we. It should be standard protocol to make an annotation in the room notes if interviews are not going to be conducted. While the first two days I may have screwed up the time zone, and apparently they don't do interviews on weekends, but on three separate occasions I have waited in the room between 7pm Monday- Friday and nothing has happened.  


While I understand some waiting may be in order, sitting in that room and having every cadet come in asking ten times over  "Oh, what's the first weapon of police officer..." while 3 LT.'s are on gets quite frustrating. 



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First, let me say I'm not trying to be a dick about this I think overall you run a good server and I donated for that very reason.


That said;  What is going on with police interviews?  I have been in the room every day for over a week without results.  I understand that people are busy and have things to do but so do we. It should be standard protocol to make an annotation in the room notes if interviews are not going to be conducted. While the first two days I may have screwed up the time zone, and apparently they don't do interviews on weekends, but on three separate occasions I have waited in the room between 7pm Monday- Friday and nothing has happened.  


While I understand some waiting may be in order, sitting in that room and having every cadet come in asking ten times over  "Oh, what's the first weapon of police officer..." while 3 LT.'s are on gets quite frustrating. 

I agree I've been in the room since 6:19pm and now it's 9:21pm. I mean not to sound negative or being a dick about it, I think you should at least post in the forums that the 'APD interview room is will be closed on this date and time. Sorry for any inconvenience". That will be great. 

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Its unfortunate that you guys have missed when the interviews are done, and I assure you that they are being done.  We generally receive anywhere from 30-40 applications per day for APD so you can imagine how busy we can be.  On top of all that the majority of the week the entire staff has been dealing with a major exploit/duping issue and banned over 120 people in the last 7 days.


Since the 7th of October we've had 20'some new cadets pass the test and be added to the roster and failed another 30+.  Generally for time management reasons we will not do interviews with less then 5 cadets.  Once the interviews are over we then put them through the basic training.  If there isn't enough to make that worth while there isn't any point in doing the interview.


If you really want to be a cop, then have patience.  We're not miracle workers and we are doing the best we can.

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Its unfortunate that you guys have missed when the interviews are done, and I assure you that they are being done.  We generally receive anywhere from 30-40 applications per day for APD so you can imagine how busy we can be.  On top of all that the majority of the week the entire staff has been dealing with a major exploit/duping issue and banned over 120 people in the last 7 days.


Since the 7th of October we've had 20'some new cadets pass the test and be added to the roster and failed another 30+.  Generally for time management reasons we will not do interviews with less then 5 cadets.  Once the interviews are over we then put them through the basic training.  If there isn't enough to make that worth while there isn't any point in doing the interview.


If you really want to be a cop, then have patience.  We're not miracle workers and we are doing the best we can.



Basically this. You also need to know that Unless an admin is online, we're not going to do interviews. There is no reason for us to interview you if we can't whitelist you and train you. That being said, Training and Whitelisting can take some time, and if none of us are able to do it when the time comes, unfortunately that's that. We, as Wheat said, try our best and typically do interviews daily, sometimes every other day. I understand the channel says M-F 7PM, but the reality is that if we can't do it, we can't do it.

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Ya, i was in there 4 days in a row from 7pm-9pm ish and only took breaks for dinner, then on the 5th day, i was tested and passed! Then left in the training room with 4 other cadets for 1:30..... but all went well and it taught me some patcience, its worth the wait, trust me :) 

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If so many new cadets how come there is still a shortage of APD?

Also are the interview times the same for r&r? Because I can't make it, I work 1:30pm to 12:30am...what should I do?


How do you figure there's a "shortage"?  The shortage isn't in cadets, we're swimming in them.  We need people to stand out, play with in the rules and RP their face off so we can promote to constable and corporal.


R&R info can be found in the R&R application area.

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I've looked at the r&r section a million times...maybe I'm blind can you post a link to the interview times


I found it, while I have seen interviews done outside of these times, this is when they suggest they are available:


Hades Interviews - Tues/Thurs/Sat @ 7pm CST
Jendrak Interviews - Tues/Thurs @ 8am CST
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As a follow up a day after posting this a massive set of interviews were conducted exactly on time. After seeing the procedure and the number of people I have nothing but sympathy for the admins, trainers and higher ups in APD.  It's a lot of work herding cats.

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I waited for like a week because I couldn't understand Ares(but now i love that sexy accent xD).  Then one day Hershmek and I saw Travis hop into ts and bugged the piss out of him :3 the rest is history




Oh lord flashbacks of doing like 20 interviews in a day, and half of them said theyd pick up rebel equipment to protect kavala, valiant, but wrong :s



REMEMBER KIDS: YOUR MAIN WEAPON (this applies for cadet all the way to captain) IS THE P07 PISTOL

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