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Cartel Feedback - Serious Replies Only

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2 minutes ago, Eazy said:

No decent player would let you close to the top of a tower with a orca. 


They are pretty glitchy tbh

I think it would be better to add something like a lighthouse if possible

(Lighthouses are glitchy, and sometimes laggy. The upside to this is that they have the height advantage, and at the same time you can be wallbanged/shot from anywhere you stand in it. So it evens itself out pretty well)

If you fly in backwards you cant get shot out from the guys at the tower

3 minutes ago, Solomon said:

If you fly in backwards you cant get shot out from the guys at the tower

If you fly backwards, your gonna get tapped by any bot that can aim thats outside the tower.

If you fly backwards, you can guarantee your tail rotor or engine will be shot out.

If you fly backwards, you will get cucked.


Point still stand; Any decent player, won't let you near the tower with a orca.

1 minute ago, Eazy said:

If you fly backwards, your gonna get tapped by any bot that can aim thats outside the tower.

If you fly backwards, you can guarantee your tail rotor or engine will be shot out.

If you fly backwards, you will get cucked.


Point still stand; Any decent player, won't let you near the tower with a orca.

Or a is very strong. And if you're a good enough pilot, which Solomon is, you can fly in quick enough before too much damage is done to the tail rotor. Engine is very difficult to shoot out. 

My concern with the Sofia cartel (which I think I had this problem with my design as well) was that left coastal side is generally your best bet to push but even that side current has the flaw. There's a very large gap without cover for the attackers to move through while the defenders have a few spots to see that entire coast and pick off people with too much ease.

15 minutes ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

Or a is very strong. And if you're a good enough pilot, which Solomon is, you can fly in quick enough before too much damage is done to the tail rotor. Engine is very difficult to shoot out. 

If you're trying to tell me he can fly backwards at a decent speed then im afraid you're a lunatic. 

Hotdropping backwards just screams shoot me out. Considering you physically can't fly backwards without arma physics pulling you forward eventually, he would have to auto hover back onto a tower.

I'm 100% certain anyone with a normal level of chromosomes and a mouse can shoot him out. (Or atleast fuck his heli up so he can't drop)

8 minutes ago, Eazy said:

If you're trying to tell me he can fly backwards at a decent speed then im afraid you're a lunatic. 

Hotdropping backwards just screams shoot me out. Considering you physically can't fly backwards without arma physics pulling you forward eventually, he would have to auto hover back onto a tower.

I'm 100% certain anyone with a normal level of chromosomes and a mouse can shoot him out. (Or atleast fuck his heli up so he can't drop)

I do not know if you played on this server when big towers were virtually everywhere but hot dropping on big towers was quite common. If you know how to control your heli and position it in the right way it can be done, apply smokes on the bottom with an ifrit as well to help cause havok. I see no reason for peter to keep adding cartels if they are going to be the same thing over and over again. Instead look at what he has presented and try to adapt to it, personally I find the challenge part of the fun!

12 minutes ago, Eazy said:

If you're trying to tell me he can fly backwards at a decent speed then im afraid you're a lunatic. 

Hotdropping backwards just screams shoot me out. Considering you physically can't fly backwards without arma physics pulling you forward eventually, he would have to auto hover back onto a tower.

I'm 100% certain anyone with a normal level of chromosomes and a mouse can shoot him out. (Or atleast fuck his heli up so he can't drop)

You realize it is done quite often on KOTH servers where there's Navids, spmgs, and plenty other bigger weaponry are available

10 minutes ago, TheRandomOne said:

You realize it is done quite often on KOTH servers where there's Navids, spmgs, and plenty other bigger weaponry are available

No, on KOTH they go full speed and smash into towers. Huge difference mate.

Also, these towers are usually about 800m of the ground considering they just stack them endlessly. So it isnt hard considering 90% of KOTH players play like they have two eye patches.

15 minutes ago, Solomon said:

I do not know if you played on this server when big towers were virtually everywhere but hot dropping on big towers was quite common. If you know how to control your heli and position it in the right way it can be done, apply smokes on the bottom with an ifrit as well to help cause havok. I see no reason for peter to keep adding cartels if they are going to be the same thing over and over again. Instead look at what he has presented and try to adapt to it, personally I find the challenge part of the fun!

Im talking about this particular cap, deerstands and command centres that have full view of you. I know how to hotdrop, i have done it plenty of times before. Im not the best pilot obviously, but im still pretty good at it. Im sure anyone in absence would vouch that. Its just this particular cartel it wouldnt work, the ifrit wouldnt make it in most cases and if it did, there wouldnt be any need for a "backwards hotdrop"

Plus, anyone inside the orca will most likely be dead. 6.5's can penetrate the bed of am orca, so 4 7.62's on the ground and 2 on the tower will rip the orca apart.

Edited by Eazy
5 minutes ago, Eazy said:

No, on KOTH they go full speed and smash into towers. Huge difference mate.

Uhh...there's countless occasions where I've seen it happen. As in, multiple times in every game I've played. Also there's only 1 double stacked tower, rest are singles.


We're all getting a bit off topic though,so I'll refrain from discussing this further.

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6 hours ago, Peter Long said:

is the salt flat cartel fun to fight? 

Do not by any means, make a Cartel on the Salt flats please

59 minutes ago, Eazy said:

No, on KOTH they go full speed and smash into towers. Huge difference mate.

Also, these towers are usually about 800m of the ground considering they just stack them endlessly. So it isnt hard considering 90% of KOTH players play like they have two eye patches.

Im talking about this particular cap, deerstands and command centres that have full view of you. I know how to hotdrop, i have done it plenty of times before. Im not the best pilot obviously, but im still pretty good at it. Im sure anyone in absence would vouch that. Its just this particular cartel it wouldnt work, the ifrit wouldnt make it in most cases and if it did, there wouldnt be any need for a "backwards hotdrop"

Plus, anyone inside the orca will most likely be dead. 6.5's can penetrate the bed of am orca, so 4 7.62's on the ground and 2 on the tower will rip the orca apart.

The big tower is on the southern end, you can fly on that side and have decent cover, as I said if you do it right it can be done.

North cartel above sofia airfield requires an ifrit to push, I've tried multiple times to push on foot, even with all the rocks there is still a gap in which you have to run out in the open totally visible to the defenders and hope they potato while you run. While defending its very easy to see just about everything.... maybe add more cover between cap and the forest? Only other method  of attack I could think of without a frit for that cartel would be to shark:(

i love the new cartels they are just a little hard to caps sometimes. especially when a fucking ghosthawk and 3 orcas come and drop like 20 people.(fucking mc :) )

On 2/24/2017 at 0:09 PM, MrBoonie said:

I already mentioned something to jesse, about the new Castle cartel usually up above dp4, to get access to the platform is only one way up that's to jump up on rocks to get up there, once you are up there you can defend the cartel from all points, and no one can shoot you. Unless hotdropped or tossing names up.

That, and DP4 is an annoying place for the cartel to be cop side, cause if you check Meth from Kavala then want to check Phosphorus, you either have to go over the mountains or down and all the way around.

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