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Biggest Drug Run so Far?

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So after tonight's drug run I'm curious what the biggest one to date is. Last nights run we ran over 8400 coke coming out to a bit over 30 million. Is this the biggest to date or what beats it?

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$6,490,000.00-----ALL MINE no splits. Moonshine 1 hemmit holds 500 and 50 on me, market price was $11,800.00 each. Play the market thats how you get on the big boy list of richest players. 8400 coke not bad but that's at least 8 splits equaling damn near half of mine per person. Cha-Ching! Opponentmule2 knows whats up.

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$6,490,000.00-----ALL MINE no splits. Moonshine 1 hemmit holds 500 and 50 on me, market price was $11,800.00 each. Play the market thats how you get on the big boy list of richest players. 8400 coke not bad but that's at least 8 splits equaling damn near half of mine per person. Cha-Ching! Opponentmule2 knows whats up.


Yeah we had 11 people total, each making just under 2.8 mil a piece. We could of waited and stored the coke to make more but it was easier to sell. Here's the set up


2 tempest devices at coke field picking

1 fuel truck at coke field for fueling

3 mohawks flying back and forth from coke field to coke processing dropping off the coke

6 people processing coke and storing it in the hemmits


Took us around 3 hours to get 8.4k processed and sold. 

nice setup, definitely safety in numbers and......no one dsync'd blowing any one else up!! Kudos sir!


It worked out well. Going to try the moonshine runs soon. 

WarfarePlays what server do you play? How bout we take 20 hemtts just to be sure no one can beat our record

WarfarePlays what server do you play? How bout we take 20 hemtts just to be sure no one can beat our record


I play on server 1. Last night we used around 9 but we could have gone for more if we had more time. 

TCA on server 2, 5 hemmts of blue crystal.. Too bad they duped it all... annnnnd now are banned so that's awkward.



Serves them right to be banned. Always looking for the easy way out. 

Moonshine - 12m - 9m of which was just mine

Biggest payout will be soon at 14m and agian will be all mine I'll video it for proff :)

Moonshine - 12m - 9m of which was just mine

Biggest payout will be soon at 14m and agian will be all mine I'll video it for proff :)


But is this in 1 go meaning you picked, processed, and sold in 1 server time? Storing it and then selling later doesn't count.

     ??? Single run or sever time? No way a SINGLE person run can net $12 million on a SINGLE run. Even If you did 2 full moonshine runs which the cap is @ $12,000 per moonshine, you will drop the price to much for your second load. And were talking drug RUN not how much per up time man, your reaching. lol. My $6,490,000.00 moonshine was stored at the house so I guess it doesn't count, I waited to cash in of course.

     My legit pick and process and sell in 1 server go was Heroin, the only way I got this was due to my house location at DP 13 Which sped up drive time. Picked 1050 Heroin, 4 runs to my house with Tempest Device, very close/fast. Then took Hemmit Box to process, back to house, unload processed, load unprocessed, and off to process again. Load all 1000 and 50 on me and sell. I was lucky I would usually store it, but Heroin was $3,900 that morning so I sold for $4,095,000.

??? Single run or sever time? No way a SINGLE person run can net $12 million on a SINGLE run. Even If you did 2 full moonshine runs which the cap is @ $12,000 per moonshine, you will drop the price to much for your second load. And were talking drug RUN not how much per up time man, your reaching. lol

It's possible to run 1200 moon shine in 1 reset legit

     No way, not with 1 person. Moonshine cap is 12k once you sell at most you'll get is $6.6mill, and the moonshine is at @ 7k high side which gives you $3.8 mill then even less. Not possible. Not to mention time for picking and processing even with Mohawk. I call BS. Oh Wait if you use Mohawk it only holds 360, my number where for Hemmit Box which is not going to work if your driving to each place,  so now I definitely don't see your $12 mill per server. The numbers just don't work.

     AND...................at server start moonshine is @ $6.5k even more debunking your $12mill claim. I guess I'll have to wait for your 4 hour video. I more than thoroughly explained how it's NOT possible. 

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