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"Best Of" Players!


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Best Shot: ares

Best Driver: def not me but id have to say pink pretty good driver

Best Heli Pilot: amish

Best Officer:  who knows trivis?

Best R&R: lonnie

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):Grandma Gary

Best RP'r: Buford T.

Most Tactical: ME

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Buford T.

Most Reliable: Pinkstreak

Most Dedicated Player: who knows


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Reserved for the player you believe to be "The Total Package", or the "best on the server" - Don't vote for yourself!

uuuuhhhh just cause i havent voted this person he gets this.... snake

  • Head Admin

Snake said I have to make a real one =(


Best Shot: Kratos, Hollowman Big Bad Adam

Best Driver:Ace

Best Heli Pilot: Ace Deimos<3

Best Officer: Officer Sanders

Best R&R: Jbreusche

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): All off duty cops

Best RP'r: Colonel

Most Tactical:Wheatkings

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Zeus...

Most Reliable: Travis

Most Dedicated Player:  #FULLBROWN but POSeidon, Hades & Jendrak

?Best Pit maneuver: Fugi 


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  My lovemuffin Ace

  • Like 3



Best Shot: Kratos

Best Driver: IDK ;p Devil or gary ;D

Best Heli Pilot: Devil

Best Officer:Kratos, Devil

Best R&R: Jendrak

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP):everyone knows its Gary and Kratos 0.o

Best RP'r: kratos, snake

Most Tactical:kratos, devil

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Kratos, Gary, Devil, Sniperelite

Most Reliable: sniperelite, devil

Most Dedicated Player:Kratos, devil


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  MEEE ;p (Kratos, Devil, Gary)

  • Like 1

Best Shot: Mister Miracle 

Best Driver: Mister Miracle 

Best Heli Pilot: Not Mister Miracle 

Best Officer: Not Mister Miracle 

Best R&R: Not Mister Miracle 

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Mister Miracle 

Best RP'r: Mister Miracle 

Most Tactical: Mister Miracle 

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Mister Miracle 

Most Reliable: Mister Miracle 

Most Dedicated Player: Mister Miracle 



MVP: Mister Miracle Kappa

  • Like 1


Best Shot: Mister Miracle 

Best Driver: Mister Miracle 

Best Heli Pilot: Not Mister Miracle 

Best Officer: Not Mister Miracle 

Best R&R: Not Mister Miracle 

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Mister Miracle 

Best RP'r: Mister Miracle 

Most Tactical: Mister Miracle 

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Mister Miracle 

Most Reliable: Mister Miracle 

Most Dedicated Player: Mister Miracle 



MVP: Mister Miracle Kappa




Luke.. did you make a forum account and vote for yourself..

Best Shot: Shearsy, Deimos, Virus & Hollowman

Best Driver: Deimos, Virus & Ares (lol)

Best Heli Pilot: Shearsy

Best Officer: Zeus

Best R&R: Mishtif (Hades), Jendrak, Lonnie85, tekclub, JohnMcClane

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Colorado303

Best RP'r: Mishtif, WingWong, Colorado303, Derps,  BigBadAdam & Juxtaposed

Most Tactical: That one guy who led Hostage training with Ares, Bobey & Hershmek.

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: OLD RENEGADES 4 LIFE~~!! & DEPUTY DERPS~! Alot of the APD members as well :D

Most Reliable: Ace, Jendrak, Travis,

Most Dedicated Player: Bobey&Hershmek were really dedicated when they were cops at one point.. POSEIDON #1!  GrandmaGary :> Jendrak :3  Ducimus & FoxyMamaFTW


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Mishtif(Hades) before he got head admin :(  GrandmaGary & Ares

Don't hate me if I didn't add your name D:!! I probably just forgot you :(

  • Like 1

I feel loved :3,


much love to you all


Best Shot: Snake
Best Driver: Pink
Best Heli Pilot: Calliope
Best Officer:  Snake, kratos
Best R&R: ME, Flappy,gnewt, spectral
Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): GGary, Hades
Best RP'r:  Hades *coffee break in the APD kavala HQ made me hurt my sides
Most Tactical: Paw *when he played APD*
Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Hades, Hamofmoose *car ramrod for life*, pink 
Most Reliable: all my friends :D
Most Dedicated Player: All my friends

Snake said I have to make a real one =(


Best Shot: Kratos, Hollowman Big Bad Adam

Best Driver:Ace

Best Heli Pilot: Ace Deimos<3

Best Officer: Officer Sanders

Best R&R: Jbreusche

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): All off duty cops

Best RP'r: Colonel

Most Tactical:Wheatkings

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Zeus...

Most Reliable: Travis

Most Dedicated Player:  #FULLBROWN but POSeidon, Hades & Jendrak

?Best Pit maneuver: Fugi 


And finally...


Most Valuable Player:  My lovemuffin Ace

Correction for R&R even though bruesh is BA im voting for revnant, anyone miss that man?

Not to be a jerk, but these are all the big wigs, and you all have your own 'click' or social hang out, whatever you call it, but if you knew the other small guys, the ones who make some servers fun, these lists would be different, and not to mention you think everyone is a tool but your own.  Not being a dick, just being real.....we little guys have our lists too....but this is good to see too, so i know who to kill first in a fight....haha

  • Like 2

Best Shot: Virus, GI_Joe, Hollowman
Best Driver: GI_Joe (Have you seen this guy drifting around Kavala?)
Best Heli Pilot: DubZ (if he isn't busy crashing in the most ridiculous ways) or Hollowman
Best Officer: Devil (jk he sucks). Any cop who RPs properly or doesn't take you to HQ to process you for attempted auto-theft (please, it's safe !)
Best R&R: FlappyPappus or Eos
Best Kavala Troll: GI_Joe or Korean Jesus (No one realizes it, but Korean is behind everything happening in Kavala)
Best RPer: Sam (something). He played on the server for a few days but man, that guy was a RP legend.
Most Tactical: Spectro, GI_Joe, Virus, or Hollowman
Funniest/Most Enjoyable to Play With: Not even going to bother with this one as there are a ton of people
Most Reliable: Korean Jesus or Swisher (I love you guys *tear*)
Most Dedicated Player: I... I don't know.

Most Valuable Player: I don't know, mannnn. Everyone sucks.

Realistically speaking, we're all biased in our answers. This is pretty much a "Pick whoever you play with" questionnaire.


Best Shot: Cyfer

Best Driver: Myself (hahah)

Best Heli Pilot: Paperbot

Best Officer: Travis / Cyfer / Glover

Best R&R: Jendrak

Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): GrandmaGary

Best RP'r:  Pinkstreak / Zeus (RIP Zeuz, Cri evri taim)

Most Tactical: Mackee

Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Paperbot

Most Reliable: All members of 24th STS.

Most Dedicated Player: Cyfer


And finally...


Most Valuable Player: Cyfer / Wheatkings (i remember when you were a cadet... look at you now bby..<3) and of course the canadian, Travis <3 (im not swedish, you cunt)

  • Like 1

Not to be a jerk, but these are all the big wigs, and you all have your own 'click' or social hang out, whatever you call it, but if you knew the other small guys, the ones who make some servers fun, these lists would be different, and not to mention you think everyone is a tool but your own. Not being a dick, just being real.....we little guys have our lists too....but this is good to see too, so i know who to kill first in a fight....haha

So post your list, that's what the thread is for, I don't know why you're complaining

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