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Recommendation for the site.

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So alot of people complain about when their  ticket ticket will be seen. well maybe add a counter like when you go to your support tab it will display the current ticket admins are on/completed. Small idea but I think it could help with people messaging admins and just stop being annoying in general....

24 minutes ago, EightCent said:

So alot of people complain about when their  ticket ticket will be seen. well maybe add a counter like when you go to your support tab it will display the current ticket admins are on/completed. Small idea but I think it could help with people messaging admins and just stop being annoying in general....

No maybe people just need to learn to be patient, keep in mind that there is hundreds of people on this server . 

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The primary reason this wont be done is because there is no order sometimes as to how they get done. Sometimes if a staff member cant determine what should happen they will leave an opinion and skip it until someone else can make a judgement call. Also, personally speaking, if i only have time to do 3 or so quick tickets, I'll look for the easy ones and skip the ones the require a deeper investigation until I can look at it thoroughly later.

dude, my tickets take less than 30 min to get replied to, what the fuck type of tickets do they post....

11 hours ago, SPBojo said:

dude, my tickets take less than 30 min to get replied to, what the fuck type of tickets do they post....

Same, every time I've ever sent a ticket it was responded too within a day.


Also, if this were the case, and if there's a day that admins happen to be slow on tickets, imagine the number of shit-heads spamming the forums crying "ADMINS DON'T DO ANYTHING I GOT ROBBED OF MY CEMENT AND RDM'D DDX"

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