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Hades been MIA


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Sup everyone, Just wanted to pop in and let ya know I'm still alive and all. The last couple weeks I've been dealing with some major things IRL. While I love this community I simply have to deal with these things first. With that I may be MIA for yet another week or 2. I'll try to hop in here and there but as for the admin side of things I'm not really in a good spot to deal with them atm. Once everything is taken care on my end I'll def be back. Until then make sure you refer any questions you have to Ace if one of the other admins can't deal with it. He's covering for me and so should be able to help as well as I have been able to in the past. If it is something he can't he is able to get ahold of me and I'll go ahead and try to do what I can for you.


Aight have fun all, I'll be lurking here and there and maybe just playing to get my mind off things. If you happen to see me online and you have an issue and it is something that can wait or be directed to another staff please try to do that first. I don't want my RL issues to effect my in-game choices.

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  • Head Admin

As long as you aren't having fun.  Last I heard admins cant have fun and obvs that applies to RL stuff too.  That said though real life always should take priority no matter the issue be it a broken nail right the way up to sitting on the throne after some mexican food and realizing you have no toilet paper...  I still <3 your TINY MIDGET FACE though <3

Well put, wishing you the best. I will sacrifice 30 pigs 15 lamb and 20 Deputys in your honor so that you may return safely my lord.

As long as you aren't having fun. Last I heard admins cant have fun and obvs that applies to RL stuff too. That said though real life always should take priority no matter the issue be it a broken nail right the way up to sitting on the throne after some mexican food and realizing you have no toilet paper... I still <3 your TINY MIDGET FACE though <3

the true words of a poet

even tho you keep banning me i still miss you #fugipittinglane

Such pit much ban

lol I'm not leaving. I just simply having some major things going on IRL so I have to attend to them for right now. I'm still here, still talking with the other staff and whatnot. Just kinda lurking about as I can't do the whole admin thing as I should atm. Once I get this RL stuff taken care of I'll be back.

lol I'm not leaving. I just simply having some major things going on IRL so I have to attend to them for right now. I'm still here, still talking with the other staff and whatnot. Just kinda lurking about as I can't do the whole admin thing as I should atm. Once I get this RL stuff taken care of I'll be back.

Take your time  but hurry, the admins for sure need the help. But remember, RL always comes first, at the end of the day all this is a game.

lol I'm not leaving. I just simply having some major things going on IRL so I have to attend to them for right now. I'm still here, still talking with the other staff and whatnot. Just kinda lurking about as I can't do the whole admin thing as I should atm. Once I get this RL stuff taken care of I'll be back.

WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN US HADES #HADESPLS XD You gotta do what you gotta do.

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