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Idea for a Xp system :D

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I think there should be a xp system in this server where the players who are dedicated can make money faster and just profit more and have a reason to grind .....

Example when you process diamonds it takes a bit of time but if you do it a lot your player gets skilled and becomes a specialist or something like that and can process faster not at a overpowered rate but just a slightly faster speed maybe 5% faster for small xp and then 10% then 15% and thats it but only for legal items 

Also for gathering you can gather at a faster rate the more you gather 

Maybe if you lockpick your character gets more skilled at picking locks and has a 15% extra rate of getting in.....


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It would take a while to implement and would be annoying to have to adjust to, Asylum has it, and I don't very much like it, it is an okay concept though

I like it probably not gonna happen tho lol. The continuous grind for money is so tedious :P. One of the main reasons I stopped playing... and this new vehicle crafting system seems worse than doing a run xd

I think it would be OK like this but make sure it doesn't affect things like lockpicking or robbing 

23 hours ago, James Bond said:

I think there should be a xp system in this server where the players who are dedicated can make money faster and just profit more and have a reason to grind .....

Example when you process diamonds it takes a bit of time but if you do it a lot your player gets skilled and becomes a specialist or something like that and can process faster not at a overpowered rate but just a slightly faster speed maybe 5% faster for small xp and then 10% then 15% and thats it but only for legal items 

Also for gathering you can gather at a faster rate the more you gather 

Maybe if you lockpick your character gets more skilled at picking locks and has a 15% extra rate of getting in.....


so asylum

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