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Wipe time and stress testing on the 20th (please read)

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With the upcoming wipe on the 20th I do expect some players to leave. To ensure our servers stay full I plan on temporarily removing server 3 for until I feel we have the numbers to bring it back. Player slots will be increased at the very least to 80, but what i'm really aiming for is 100+ to increase player density in game which allows for more encounters. Right now with server performance the way it is pushing the player count above 80 will likely cause instability, desync, and an unresponsive server at times.


On the 20th I plan on doing some testing, changing settings, and switching between 2 or 3 different hardware configurations to determine the best performance. Without a large number of players (75->100) I won't be able to determine if the performance improves or gets worse with each change.


I plan on doing these tests at around 5pm eastern time, so if you're available please get online and hop on the only olympus server online, because that's the server where the changes will be happening. After the tests are finished, I will do the maintenance necesarry for the upcoming update and when ready 2 servers will be brought back online with the new udpate. After that the testing will be done, i'll just be monitoring performance and looking for bugs.

Why don't you take #3 down now and start testing now, so for the 20th you're all good to go?

Why don't you take #3 down now and start testing now, so for the 20th you're all good to go?

wouldnt be fair to the #3 natives.

I know I wouldn't mind.  All my stuff is on server 3 but if it's going to help with testing / getting things going smoothly then I'm all for it.

wouldnt be fair to the #3 natives.


Server is restarting in few days either way, and anything to prepare for it would benefit everyone.

   It was quite the announcement made couple days ago with the wipe announcement as well. There will be tons of Players spending their wealth to go out with a bang so to speak.In the days that follow that initial announcement, there will be chaos and mayhem to follow. Some salty folk and some counting down the days thinking whats the point of playing right now until the patch comes (it's inevitable).  It's true there will be players that leave for whatever their reasons are. The RP aspect of Olympus always brought that challenge to the servers which most crave for. One of the best things out of this is the fact that players have full control of their actions and those actions through their choices have a positive or negative effect in the consequences that follow. Making friends, enemies, running that risk when doing illegal activities. So much content has been added and implemented along with a fresh restart. There are not a lot of Admins or server staff out there that are active as much as you guys are. So in the end, the effort and time you all (admins) have put into the servers to make it what it is really shows and I am sure a lot of the players that have been with you guys throughout the trials and errors and the beginning really appreciate it. It will be a massive challenge to obtain that player wealth, making that necessary step, to become a drug lord, well known Rebel, well known City Troll, Bad ass cop, notorious murderer, prince/princess of thieves and robbers, or a bad ass cop. The choices are endless, and the possibilities are limitless. 

With the upcoming wipe on the 20th I do expect some players to leave. To ensure our servers stay full I plan on temporarily removing server 3 for until I feel we have the numbers to bring it back. Player slots will be increased at the very least to 80, but what i'm really aiming for is 100+ to increase player density in game which allows for more encounters. Right now with server performance the way it is pushing the player count above 80 will likely cause instability, desync, and an unresponsive server at times.


On the 20th I plan on doing some testing, changing settings, and switching between 2 or 3 different hardware configurations to determine the best performance. Without a large number of players (75->100) I won't be able to determine if the performance improves or gets worse with each change.


I plan on doing these tests at around 5pm eastern time, so if you're available please get online and hop on the only olympus server online, because that's the server where the changes will be happening. After the tests are finished, I will do the maintenance necesarry for the upcoming update and when ready 2 servers will be brought back online with the new udpate. After that the testing will be done, i'll just be monitoring performance and looking for bugs.

Will the server that you want us to play on the 20th be updated already?

Will the server that you want us to play on the 20th be updated already?



No I believe it won't be updated if I read the post correctly it will be updated once he does some testing that day and figures out the hardware configs he's going to use. 

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Time to fix my sleep. The grind for the best houses and garages will be crazy.


late night truce grinds will be off the charts. 

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