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Was messing around with AoS a bit last night ;)

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(I assume it's okay to post video's, saw other people do it)

My in game music went well with that chopper scene haha I found it comical. Normally I fight back with some some sort of weapon but unfortunately no point stashing guns in my house as they will just disappear.
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So, You're uploading the video of you trolling being an asshole. Like not even a Reasonable asshole, just a ''Fuck this guy, why do I even bother'' asshole. clearly they don't know either, everytime you spawn in that frog house and I just instantaneously wallbang you.

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i got to agree with Moob on this. this is not even the fun type of trolling. your wasting time and are in all basic being a agitating asshole troll...

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There should not be houses in POI's in war-zones, outside if need be but not inside.

there shot not be houses on the entire island. its a warzone for all that its worth, not your casual everyday neighborhood. 

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TBH ya its annoying but if its fun for him thats what matters :D

Exactly fun is all that matters :D I found it funny how long they tried to shoot at me through the wall they could have bought bolt cutters and got the job done 10 times quicker 


There should not be houses in POI's in war-zones, outside if need be but not inside.

I somewhat agree. But it's not like you can even keep guns in your houses anyways so you're totally unarmed, not much of an advantage.


So, You're uploading the video of you trolling being an asshole. Like not even a Reasonable asshole, just a ''Fuck this guy, why do I even bother'' asshole. clearly they don't know either, everytime you spawn in that frog house and I just instantaneously wallbang you.

How am I being an asshole? I think the only asshole here is you. Also the frog cartel was in my possession that's why I wasn't giving it up so easily

i got to agree with Moob on this. this is not even the fun type of trolling. your wasting time and are in all basic being a agitating asshole troll...

Who are you to say what is fun to me bojo? Also it made me money, so how is that wasting time? 

Who are you to say what is fun to me bojo? Also it made me money, so how is that wasting time? 

im not saying its not fun for you. im saying its not fun for everyone else. your hiding in your house, in a cartel capture zone. if you ask me that should be bannable for exploit / fail rp as you basicly are free to do whatever the fak u want and be safe inside you shait house.

im not saying its not fun for you. im saying its not fun for everyone else. your hiding in your house, in a cartel capture zone. if you ask me that should be bannable for exploit / fail rp as you basicly are free to do whatever the fak u want and be safe inside you shait house.


Use bolt cutters?

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im not saying its not fun for you. im saying its not fun for everyone else. your hiding in your house, in a cartel capture zone. if you ask me that should be bannable for exploit / fail rp as you basicly are free to do whatever the fak u want and be safe inside you shait house.

What are you even talking about... Warzone doesn't need rp, I'm not exploiting anything, and it's not safe at all in there. 1 bolt cutter and I'm dead. I can't even move because I can be shot from any angle.

Also if they don't find it fun maybe they shouldn't play, no one complained about "not having fun"... I'd have fun trying to shoot someone hiding in a house.

What are you even talking about... Warzone doesn't need rp, I'm not exploiting anything, and it's not safe at all in there. 1 bolt cutter and I'm dead. I can't even move because I can be shot from any angle.

Also if they don't find it fun maybe they shouldn't play, no one complained about "not having fun"... I'd have fun trying to shoot someone hiding in a house.

They only come there to kill you because you are a unarmed scat hiding in your little house. And do you think people are clever enough for bolt cutters? No. And it might not need rp, but that dosnt mean you can go around trolling making everyone except yourself pissed off. And saying if they dont find it fun they shouldnt play is just stupid. They obviusly find the game fun. But theres no fun in a random shitter hiding in hes house capturing cartels. Thr only fun part is when you kill that person and tbag hes corpse.

Use bolt cutters?

I myself use em yeah, but most people dont even think about them. As you obviusly see in the video. And most people dont even know that they can be used for casual houses and not just the federal reserve.

That would be pretty annoying, maybe make it so you need guns to capture cartels?

or its like processing something, you walk up and scroll on something, the more members from the same gang that starts "processing" the faster it goes. and if a hostile gang starts "processing" it goes over the the newest gang capturing.

PEOPLE CAN'T UNDERSTAND. It's NOT hard to kill him, it's just annoying having to stop what you're doing to go and shoot him at each of his fucking houses EVERYTIME.

That would be pretty annoying, maybe make it so you need guns to capture cartels?

I had 10 guns in each of my houses, but every time one certain gang comes there all my guns get taken out my house crates... real coincidence :/ 

PEOPLE CAN'T UNDERSTAND. It's NOT hard to kill him, it's just annoying having to stop what you're doing to go and shoot him at each of his fucking houses EVERYTIME.

Good I hope it's annoying moob. But it's more annoying what you and your gang does. At least what I'm doing doesn't break any rules.

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