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Think About It, Seriusly, Do It.

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Sitting here in just my boxers at 00:25 AM listening to Norwegian Rap, i realized that someone (ME, JUST ME) should make a forum post regarding some things that people should take into consideration before they open their mouth / write something. in this topic i will be discussing a couple of subjects, one of them are the APD and one of the other ones are Saltyness.


So lets get this topic started!


First off, APD.

Many of you obviusly have a problem with the so called "MCPD" i understand where you come from and what you mean, but you have to realize that basically 60% of the active APD are actually apart of MC. and that is not MC's fault in anyway, its just people go where people go, and MC has been here for some time now so its a obvius descission to go there. i myself have been apart of MC and i know what they do and what they dont, in no way is it intentional that basically everyone either is in MC or hates them. its just how its become. so please, stop with the "MCPD" because if thats a trend, why isnt the server called Mooblympus seeing as most people who play are actually MC? think about that!


Secondly, Moob's Promotion.

Corporal_Moob recently recieved the rank of Trial Sergeant. the reason for that was simply because hes outstanding work for the APD. the civ side of things are obviusly a different side of the story, and that does not impact what happens to him on cop. he did not become Trial.SGT because most of the other higher ups are apart of MC, he became a Trial.SGT because a vote was made, and on that vote, NO, and i repeat NO MC members gave their vote. so as said, Moob might have done some bad things, but who hasnt done bad things. noone's perfect. and he actually deserved the promotion, hes dedication is outstanding and i fully understand the promotion and i respect it, and i would suggest you others also respect it or bring the hate / salt to your grave.


Thirdly, Saltyness

Ive been on the forums since they were first started, ive been with olympus since day 1, and not until recently have i noticed the ammount of "kids" on the forums. the constant spamming of totally useless shit and just saltyness / hate in general, people need to have respect and realize its actually a video game. i know the game means alot, but if you cant handle it without hating / being salty, this is not the game / server for you. i understand alot of stupid / irretating stuff will happen, but when it happens, dont let the hate spread to everyone else. the only thing you will get out of it is probably a locked thread and alot of hate back. think about what you write and spread, alot of people dont give a shit and will simply hate on you back. think about that!


im sure i could talk alot more about alot more stuff, but seeing as im only a V.I.P and not a admin / moderator in anyway, i dont find it my duty, i try my best to save the servers / forums (from time to time) and i will never stop being a faithfull olympus member, for all its worth ive been here for to long to ditch it now. and if you have anything you want to ask / talk / discuss with me, feel free to send me a PM. il read / answer it as fast as possible.




Best Regards

    -Forum Lord Bojo

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i don't think there is enough room in Moob's back pocket for you Bojo, don't you know Hades is already in there?

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I think Bojo wants back in MC

Considering im apart of M, i dont feel the need / desire / lust to go be apart of MC. I left for my reasons and i stand by them.

Sitting here in just my boxers at 00:25 AM listening to Norwegian Rap, i realized that someone (ME, JUST ME) should make a forum post regarding some things that people should take into consideration before they open their mouth / write something. in this topic i will be discussing a couple of subjects, one of them are the APD and one of the other ones are Saltyness.


So lets get this topic started!


First off, APD.

Many of you obviusly have a problem with the so called "MCPD" i understand where you come from and what you mean, but you have to realize that basically 60% of the active APD are actually apart of MC. and that is not MC's fault in anyway, its just people go where people go, and MC has been here for some time now so its a obvius descission to go there. i myself have been apart of MC and i know what they do and what they dont, in no way is it intentional that basically everyone either is in MC or hates them. its just how its become. so please, stop with the "MCPD" because if thats a trend, why isnt the server called Mooblympus seeing as most people who play are actually MC? think about that!


Secondly, Moob's Promotion.

Corporal_Moob recently recieved the rank of Trial Sergeant. the reason for that was simply because hes outstanding work for the APD. the civ side of things are obviusly a different side of the story, and that does not impact what happens to him on cop. he did not become Trial.SGT because most of the other higher ups are apart of MC, he became a Trial.SGT because a vote was made, and on that vote, NO, and i repeat NO MC members gave their vote. so as said, Moob might have done some bad things, but who hasnt done bad things. noone's perfect. and he actually deserved the promotion, hes dedication is outstanding and i fully understand the promotion and i respect it, and i would suggest you others also respect it or bring the hate / salt to your grave.


Thirdly, Saltyness

Ive been on the forums since they were first started, ive been with olympus since day 1, and not until recently have i noticed the ammount of "kids" on the forums. the constant spamming of totally useless shit and just saltyness / hate in general, people need to have respect and realize its actually a video game. i know the game means alot, but if you cant handle it without hating / being salty, this is not the game / server for you. i understand alot of stupid / irretating stuff will happen, but when it happens, dont let the hate spread to everyone else. the only thing you will get out of it is probably a locked thread and alot of hate back. think about what you write and spread, alot of people dont give a shit and will simply hate on you back. think about that!


im sure i could talk alot more about alot more stuff, but seeing as im only a V.I.P and not a admin / moderator in anyway, i dont find it my duty, i try my best to save the servers / forums (from time to time) and i will never stop being a faithfull olympus member, for all its worth ive been here for to long to ditch it now. and if you have anything you want to ask / talk / discuss with me, feel free to send me a PM. il read / answer it as fast as possible.




Best Regards

    -Forum Lord Bojo

 Honestly thought when clicking this it would be a Suicide thread.

 Honestly thought when clicking this it would be a Suicide thread.

lol, well, ok o.o

All I got out of this is that Bojo uses "/" way to much...

only used it 8 times : P

you know bojoj i have to disagree with you on one point what you do does affect you being a cop i know for a fact i was unwhitelisted for saying things as a civ so please dont say things that i know are untrue like the point i mentioned

of course it does affect you, but not in the way im talking about. im talking about the way that hes the leader of MC. we all know moob has gotten some shit for hes civ, but hes a different person on cop. thats what im talking about. and im fully aware of your situation, it was dealth with accordingly. and it does affect obv. lets for instance mention RDM, RDM as a CIV and you can get consequenses on cop. 

wow i wonder how ur fully aware of my situation do you guys have board member meetings or something since ur a vip

we do not have a board meeting or anything like that. we the VIP's barelly talk to the admins. its just me personally that talks with the OS Staff / APD Members.

Norwegian rap, interesting.

very interesting indeed haha

oh so staff and apd memebrs are saying stuff that i was told to drop and not speak of. interesting

well, im not the one to deal with it, i just hear stuff.

That's why you came crawling back begging on your knees and Moob turned you down. Go shave your face kid

Begging? Im not sure if you even know what went down.

And to be fair, im older than you, so you are obviusly the kid here. And as i said to you ingame, i shaved this morning, not doing it again just to please your salty ass.

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I can't for the love of God figure out why someone would go through all the trouble to mine and process salt just to give it all away...you can sell that stuff for good money ya know

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I can't for the love of God figure out why someone would go through all the trouble to mine and process salt just to give it all away...you can sell that stuff for good money ya know

+100 preach it!

wtf lol



wel first of you always keep hate love relations.  i dislike some members of mc. but its not just mc.

you have the sporty ones and you have the no improvisation ones

and to be honest.  there is just 1 gang that i cant stand apart from 1 guy in there.

let me tell you that is not mc.

I thought cognitive dissonance was a strictly Feminist tactic to protect their fragile egos from reality

you think whatever you want kid. you think whatever the fuck you may want, because i simply do not give a single shit.

wtf lol



wel first of you always keep hate love relations.  i dislike some members of mc. but its not just mc.

you have the sporty ones and you have the no improvisation ones

and to be honest.  there is just 1 gang that i cant stand apart from 1 guy in there.

let me tell you that is not mc.

not at one point did i mention everyone hated MC, and i must admit, i do not understand your comment. atleast parts of it.

in no way is it intentional that basically everyone either is in MC or hates them.


im not in MC and i dont hate them :o

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